1 Kings 21:1

1 KINGS CHAPTER 21 Ahab coveteth to buy Naboth's vineyard; which is denied him, and he is grieved, 1 KINGS 21:1. Jezebel writeth letters against Naboth; he is condemned of blasphemy, and stoned, 1 KINGS 21:5. Ahab possesseth the vineyard, 1 KINGS 21:15,16. Elijah denounceth judgment against Ahab and... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 21:3

For God hath expressly, and for divers weighty reasons, forbidden the alienation of lands from the tribes and families to which they were allotted, LEVITICUS 25:15,23,25 NUM 36:7 EZEKIEL 46:18. And although these might have been alienated till the jubilee, yet he durst not sell it to the king for th... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 21:4

TURNED AWAY HIS FACE FROM THE LIGHT, and company which either then were with him, or might come to him to the wall, as Hezekiah did under a like dejection of spirit, ISAIAH 38:2. WOULD EAT NO BREAD; refused to eat meat in his usual time.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 21:7

DOST THOU NOW GOVERN THE KINGDOM OF ISRAEL? art thou fit to be king, that canst put up such affronts from thy subjects, and hast not the courage to use thy absolute power to dispose of them and theirs as seemeth good unto thee?... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 21:8

Whom she very well knew to be fit for her purpose. IN HIS CITY, i.e. in Jezreel. So she seeks to destroy him with a pretence of justice, and with as little reflection upon Ahab as might be.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 21:9

PROCLAIM A FAST, to remove all suspicion of hatred or evil design in Ahab, and to beget a good opinion of him amongst his people, as if his afflictions had done him good, and as if he were grown zealous for God's honour, and careful of his people's welfare, and therefore desirous to prevent the furt... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 21:10

THOU DIDST BLASPHEME, Heb. _bless_. Blessing is put for _cursing and blaspheming_, as JOB 1:5, JOB 2:9, so also here, as is apparent, because his blessing God and the king had been no crime. It is a figure called _euphemisms_. God would have blasphemy so much abhorred, that it should not easily and... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 21:11

THE ELDERS AND THE NOBLES DID AS JEZEBEL HAD SENT UNTO THEM; which is not at all strange in them who had for a long time cast off the fear and sense of God, and prostituted their consciences and religion to please their king, and sold themselves to all manner of wickedness, and could not now make a... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 21:13

And his sons with him, as may be thought from 2 KINGS 9:26, that so the king might have an undisturbed possession; for which they might pretend those examples, NUMBERS 16:32 JOSHUA 7:24. But these were examples of extraordinary vengeance, and by special warrant from God; and the law of God was posit... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 21:15

TAKE POSSESSION OF THE VINEYARD OF NABOTH; either, first, By right of confiscation, to repair the injury which he did to the king by blaspheming him. Or, secondly, By tyrannical usurpation. Or, thirdly, By right of inheritance; for some say that Ahab was his next kinsman, his sons being dead; which... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 21:18

WHICH IS IN SAMARIA; either who now is there, and about to depart thence to Jezreel; or who commonly dwells there. HE IS IN THE VINEYARD, or rather, he will be; by that time that thou comest thither thou shalt find him there.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 21:19

HAST THOU KILLED, AND ALSO TAKEN POSSESSION? Thou hast murdered an innocent and righteous man; and instead of repenting for it, thou hast added another piece of injustice and violence to it, and art going confidently and cheerfully to reap the fruit of thy wickedness. He ascribes Jezebel's fact to A... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 21:20

AHAB SAID TO ELIJAH; upon and after his delivery of the message last mentioned, which it was needless to repeat. HAST THOU FOUND ME? Dost thou pursue me from place to place? Wilt thou never let me rest? Art thou come after me hither with thy unwelcome messages? O MINE ENEMY; that art always disturbi... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 21:23

Or, _by the ditch, or fort; or, in the portion_, as it is explained 2 KINGS 9:36; the Hebrew _chel_ here being put for _chelek_, used there by an apocope of the last Hebrew letter, which is not unusual in the Hebrew tongue.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 21:25

THERE WAS NONE LIKE UNTO AHAB; none among all the kings of Israel which had been before him. WHOM JEZEBEL HIS WIFE STIRRED UP: this is added to show that temptations to sin are no excuse to the sinner.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 21:27

i. e. Slowly and silently, after the manner of mourners, or those who are under a great consternation, and in deep consideration.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 21:29

BEFORE ME, i.e. in my presence, and upon my threatening. But this humiliation or repentance of Ahab's was only external and superficial, arising from the terror of God's judgments; and not sincere and serious, proceeding from the love of God, or a true sense of his sin, or a solemn purpose of amendm... [ Continue Reading ]

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