1 Kings 22:1

1 KINGS CHAPTER 22 Ahab, intending war against the Syrians, is advised by Jehoshaphat first to ask counsel of God: Ahab's prophets advise him to it, especially Zedekiah, 1 KINGS 22:1, Micaiah, a prophet of the Lord, dissuadeth him from it; and is put in prison by Ahab, 1 KINGS 22:13. Ahab goeth to t... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:2

Having now, as he supposed, made a firm peace with Ahab by the alliance contracted between Jehoram his son, and Athaliah, Ahab's daughter; of which see 2 KINGS 8:18 2 CHRONICLES 18:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:3

IS OURS, i.e. belongeth to us by right, both by God's donation, and designation of it for a city of refuge, JOSHUA 21:38, and by our last agreement with Ben-hadad, 1 KINGS 20:31, which he refuseth to deliver up to us upon our demand.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:5

By some prophet; that we may know the mind of God in it, and what success we may expect. This was the practice of the godly. See JUDGES 1:1, JUDGES 20:28 1 SAMUEL 23:2.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:6

THE PROPHETS doubtless were his own false prophets, or the priests of Baal; probably those very four hundred men whom Jezebel preserved from that great slaughter, 1KI 18, who yet gave in their answer in the name of Jehovah, not of Baal; either in compliance with Jehoshaphat; or rather, by Ahab's dir... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:7

Besides these, who may seem to be such by your opinion, and their own profession; but I desire further satisfaction from some other prophet.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:8

THERE IS YET ONE, to wit, in this place, for whom I can speedily send; for there were also other prophets elsewhere in the kingdom, as Elijah, Elisha, and others; but these were not at hand for the present occasion. MICAIAH; not one of the twelve prophets, who lived about one hundred and fifty years... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:10

THEIR ROBES; their royal robes, and ensigns of majesty. IN A VOID PLACE; in the place of judicature, which was in or nigh the gate of the city, and in the front of some void place, where either people stood to hear and see justice administered, or soldiers were placed for the defence of the city in... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:11

HORNS OF IRON; fit emblems of the power and victory of these two kings. The devil is God's ape, and the false prophets sometimes imitating the true, who when they declared God's mind by words, did also oftentimes confirm it by sensible signs. See ISAIAH 20:2 JEREMIAH 27:2. THUS SAITH THE LORD, Heb.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:13

This he designs, not out of any love to Micaiah, (whom he persuades to debauch his conscience,) but merely out of a desire to gratify his king's humour.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:15

HE ANSWERED HIM; not seriously, but ironically, using the very words of the false prophets, in way of derision; as appears, first, From his omission of that solemn preface, THUS SAITH THE LORD, or, _This is the word of the Lord_, which the prophets generally used, and which himself useth when he com... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:16

HOW MANY TIMES SHALL I ADJURE THEE? I adjure thee again and again, that thou give over this mockery, and seriously tell me the mind of God in this matter.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:17

I SAW; in the spirit, or in a vision. UPON THE HILLS; upon the mountains of Gilead, nigh Ramoth; either where they lay encamped by Ahab's order, or to which they fled from the enemy, esteeming that the safest place. See MATTHEW 24:16. AS SHEEP THAT HAVE NOT A SHEPHERD; as people who have lost their... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:18

Now thou seest my words verified, and this man showing his hatred by this malignant and treasonable prophecy, and how little heed is to be given to his words: which crafty insinuation seems to have had too great an influence upon good Jehoshaphat; otherwise he would never have gone to the battle.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:19

Because thou givest credit to thy false prophets, and distrustest my words, as if they were but the suggestions of my own fancy, and hatred of thy person, I will give thee a distinct and true account of the whole matter, in God's name and presence. I SAW THE LORD, by the eyes of my mind; for he coul... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:20

This is not to be grossly understood, as if God did ask and take counsel from his creatures, or were at a loss to find out an expedient to accomplish his own will; did consider several ways, and then close with that which upon debate appeared to be best; all which it is ridiculous to imagine concern... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:21

An evil spirit came out of the knot or company of them, standing possibly on the left hand, and presented himself before the throne, as having something to say to the Lord.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:22

I WILL BE A LYING SPIRIT IN THE MOUTH OF ALL HIS PROPHETS; I will inspire a lie into the minds and mouths of his prophets. THOU SHALT PERSUADE HIM, AND PREVAIL ALSO: I will give them up into thy hands, and blind their minds, and leave them to their own ignorance and wickedness, which will certainly... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:24

ZEDEKIAH THE SON OF CHENAANAH; the chief of the false prophets, who was much in the king's favour, upon which he now presumed. SMOTE MICAIAH ON THE CHEEK, in way of contempt and scorn, JOB 16:10 JEREMIAH 20:2 LAMENTATIONS 3:30 MARK 14:65. WHICH WAY WENT THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD, i.e. in what manner we... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:25

Out of a just fear and expectation of the deserved punishment of a false prophet, and of the great author and abettor of this pernicious war, and of Ahab's destruction.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:26

CARRY HIM BACK, to wit, into prison; where it seems he was before shut up; for so the Lord's prophets were used by Ahab. And some think he was the deliverer of that unwelcome message, 1 KINGS 20:41,42.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:27

i. e. With a very coarse and sparing diet, whereby he may be only supported to endure his torment. See DEUTERONOMY 16:3 2 CHRONICLES 18:26 ISAIAH 30:20. UNTIL I COME IN PEACE; until I return in triumph, which I doubt not I shall do in spite of all his malicious suggestions to the contrary, and then... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:28

THE LORD HATH NOT SPOKEN BY ME; I acknowledge myself to be an impostor, and to deserve death. HE SAID, i.e. Micaiah, the person last named, being assured of the truth of his prophecy, calls all the people to be witnesses of it.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:29

Jehoshaphat, though a good man, yet was easily deceived in this matter; partly because Micaiah was a person unknown to him, and both he and the other prophets pretending to give their answer in the name of the Lord, it seemed hard to him to determine the controversy, which only the event could decid... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:30

I WILL DISGUISE MYSELF, i.e. put off my imperial habit, that the Syrians may not know me, and direct their main force against me; which they will assuredly endeavour, as knowing that this war proceedeth from me, and is likely to die with me; and then thou shalt see that this man is a false prophet,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:31

HIS THIRTY AND TWO CAPTAINS THAT HAD RULE OVER HIS CHARIOTS; and the men that fought from them, or with them, i.e. his whole army. Possibly the chariots and the whole army were distributed into thirty-two several parts, and each captain ruled those chariots and soldiers attending upon them, which fe... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:32

THEY TURNED ASIDE; they drew their forces from their several quarters towards Jehoshaphat. JEHOSHAPHAT CRIED OUT TO THE LORD FOR HELP, 2 CHRONICLES 18:31.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:33

WHEN THE CAPTAINS PERCEIVED THAT IT WAS NOT THE KING OF ISRAEL; which they easily perceived, either by the words uttered to God or them, or by the difference of his shape and countenance from that of Ahab, which probably many of them very well knew.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:34

AT A VENTURE, Heb. _in simplicity_, i.e. ignorantly, without care, or choice, or any design, or thought of reaching Ahab. Or, _according to his perfection_, i.e. with his perfect or utmost strength; which is mentioned as the reason why it pierced through the joints of his armour. BETWEEN THE JOINTS... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:35

THE BATTLE INCREASED, i.e. grew hot and violent. WAS STAYED UP; was supported by cordials, or by his servants, that by his presence he might encourage his soldiers to fight more courageously, and that he might see the event of the battle.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:36

THERE WENT A PROCLAMATION; probably by Jehoshaphat's order, with the consent of the chief captains of Israel; and possibly with the permission of the king of Syria, upon notice of Ahab's death, which was the only thing at which he aimed, 1 KINGS 22:31. EVERY MAN TO HIS OWN COUNTRY: the king is dead,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:38

THE DOGS LICKED UP HIS BLOOD, together with the water wherewith it was mixed. ACCORDING UNTO THE WORD OF THE LORD; of which SEE POOLE ON "1 KINGS 21:19".... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:39

THE IVORY HOUSE, Heb. _the house of the tooth or teeth_, to wit, of elephants: see 1 KINGS 10:18. Not that it was made wholly of solid ivory, but because the other materials were covered, or intermixed, or adorned with ivory. Compare AMOS 3:15.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:42

HE REIGNED TWENTY AND FIVE YEARS; part by himself and partly with his sons, whom he took into the fellowship of his kingdom; of which see more on 2 KINGS 1:17.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:43

HE WALKED IN ALL THE WAYS OF ASA HIS FATHER; he took the same care for the government of his kingdom, and especially for the reformation of religion, that Asa did; of whom see 1 KINGS 15:11. THE HIGH PLACES WERE NOT TAKEN AWAY. OBJECT. It is said _he did take them away_, 2 CHRONICLES 17:6. ANSW. He... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:44

With Ahab first, and then with his son. This is noted as a blemish in his government, 2 CHRONICLES 19:2, and proved of most mischievous consequence to Jehoshaphat's posterity; as we shall see, 2KI 9 2KI 10.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:47

Sent and set over them by the kings of Judah, from the time of David, 2 SAMUEL 8:14, until the days of Jehoram, 2 CHRONICLES 21:8.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:48

See 2 CHRONICLES 20:36. Or, there were to _Jehoshaphat ten ships_; the ellipsis of the verb substantive, and of the prefix _lamed_, being frequent in the Hebrew language. Some render the words, _he made ten ships_; so joining both texts together, and out of both completing the sense. OF THARSHISH; e... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:49

OBJECT. It is said that he did join with Ahaziah herein, 2 CHRONICLES 20:35,36. ANSW. That was before this time, and before the ships were broken; for the breaking of the ships, mentioned here, 1 KINGS 22:48, is noted to be the effect of his sin, in joining with Ahaziah, and of the prophecy conseque... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:51

By comparing this verse with 1 KINGS 22:41, it appears that Ahaziah was made king by his father, and reigned in conjunction with him, a year or two before Ahab's death, and as long after it; even as Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat was made king by his father in his lifetime, as we shall see hereafter... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 22:52

Which clause seems here added, to show how little the authority and example of parents or ancestors is to be valued where it is opposed to the will and word of God.... [ Continue Reading ]

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