Harlots, or, victuallers; for the Hebrew word signifies both. See Poole on "Joshua 2:1". And possibly they might be both; this by their open profession, and the other by their secret practice: not that they were common harlots; for neither would Solomon have tolerated such; nor durst such have presented themselves before so wise and just a ruler; nor did such use either to bring forth children, or to have such a tender care of and affection to them as these express. Yet that they were unmarried persons, and so guilty of fornication, seems most probable, both because there is no mention of any husbands, whose office it was, if there were any such, to contest for their wives; and because they lived a solitary life in one house. Unto the king: haply they had presented their cause to the inferior courts, who could not determine; and therefore now they bring it to the king, as the supreme magistrate, and famous for his wisdom. Stood there before him, desiring and expecting his sentence in the case.

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