1 Kings 6:1

1 KINGS CHAPTER 6 The building of the temple, and the time thereof; the form and largeness, windows, chambers, and materials, 1 KINGS 6:1. God's promise unto it, 1 KINGS 6:11. The ceiling and adorning it, 1 KINGS 6:14,15. The oracle, 1 KINGS 6:16. The cherubims, and divers ornaments, 1 KINGS 6:23. T... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:2

THE HOUSE; properly so called, as distinct from all the walls and buildings which were adjoining to it, to wit, the holy and most holy place. THE LENGTH THEREOF; from east and to west. And this and the other measures may seem to belong to the inside from wall to wall. THREESCORE CUBITS; cubits of th... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:3

BEFORE THE TEMPLE OF THE HOUSE; in the front of or entrance into the house, 2 CHRONICLES 3:4; being _a peristilium_ or _portico_, a walk or gallery, at one end of the building (from side to side). And the measures of this were harmonious also. For 20 to 10 (the length of the portico to the breadth o... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:4

Narrow outward, to prevent the inconveniences of the weather; widening by degrees inward, that so the house might better receive and more disperse the light. Or, _for prospect_, i.e. to give light; yet _shut_, i.e. so far closed as to keep out weather, and let in light.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:5

AGAINST THE WALL; or, _upon it_; or, _joining to it_; for the beams of the chambers were not fastened into the wall, but leaned upon the buttresses of the wall. _He built chambers_, for the laying the priests garments and other utensils belonging to the temple, or to the worship of God, therein: see... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:6

FIVE CUBITS BROAD, to wit, on the inside, and besides the galleries mentioned above. NARROWED RESTS, or, _narrowings_; as in our buildings the walls of a house are thicker or broader at the bottom, and narrower towards the top; only these narrowings were in the outside of the wall, which at each of... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:7

MADE READY; hewed, and squared, and fitted exactly according to the direction of the architect. No TOOL HEARD IN THE HOUSE, WHILE IT WAS IN BUILDING: so it was ordered, partly, for the case and conveniency of carriage; partly, for the magnificence of the work, and commendation of the workmen's skill... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:8

THE DOOR FOR THE MIDDLE CHAMBER, i.e. by which they entered to go up to the middle chamber or chambers, to wit, such as were in the middle story. IN THE RIGHT SIDE, i.e. in the south side, called _the right side here_, and in the Hebrew text, PSALMS 89:12, and in other authors; because when a man lo... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:9

HE BUILT THE HOUSE, AND FINISHED IT, to wit, the bulk and the body of the house. COVERED THE HOUSE, or, _the house_ i.e. the top of the house, for the like is said of the sides and bottom, 1 KINGS 6:15, even THE BEAMS AND BOARDS, (or, _the vault-beams_ AND THE CEILINGS; the arched beams and boards w... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:10

AGAINST ALL THE HOUSE; which interpreters understand of those chambers described 1 KINGS 6:5,6. But why should that be repeated again, and that so darkly and confusedly, after he had particularly and exactly treated of them (unless to give an account of the height of each chamber, or story, which be... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:12

God speaks thus, partly to encourage him to proceed in his work, and partly to purge out that pride and vain-glory, (which God, the searcher of hearts, saw either then did or would arise in Solomon's mind, as being the author and builder of so glorious a work,) and that presumption and security, whi... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:15

BOTH THE FLOOR, or rather, _from the floor_, as it is in the Hebrew; for the floor itself was not covered with cedar, but with _fir_, as it here follows. AND THE WALLS OF THE CEILING, or rather, as it is in the Hebrew, _unto the walls of the ceiling_, or _of the roof_, i.e. unto the top of the wall,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:16

TWENTY CUBITS ON THE SIDES OF THE HOUSE, i.e. the most holy place, which contained in the length of the house twenty cubits, by comparing this with 1 KINGS 6:2,17, which may be said to be _on the sides of the house_ because this part took off twenty cubits in length from each side of the house, and... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:17

THE HOUSE, i.e. the holy place. _That is, the temple_: this is added to restrain the signification of the word _house_, which otherwise notes the whole building. BEFORE IT, i.e. before the oracle. Or, as it is in the Hebrew, _before my face_, i.e. before the place of my presence. Or it may be said t... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:18

ALL WAS CEDAR, i.e. all the house was covered with cedar. QUEST. How was this true, when it was covered with fir, 2 CHRONICLES 3:5 ? ANSW. 1. It was done with cedar and fir; of which SEE POOLE ON "1 KINGS 6:15". 2. It may be said to be _all cedar_, because the greatest part was so, universal parti... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:19

HE PREPARED, i.e. adorned and fitted it for the receipt of the ark. IN THE HOUSE, Heb. _in the middle of the house_, or building; not the middle mathematically or exactly, but in general within the house, as that phrase, _in the middle_, oft signifies; as DEUTERONOMY 4:11 JOSHUA 7:21 DANIEL 3:26. WI... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:20

IN THE FOREPART, or rather, which was _in the inner part_, to wit, of the house; called here in Hebrew, _the forepart_, not because a man first enters there, but because when a man is entering, or newly entered, into the house, it is still before him. Thus the same, or the like word proceeding from... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:21

THE HOUSE, or, _that house_, to wit, the oracle. WITH PURE GOLD: compare 2 CHRONICLES 3:8. HE MADE A PARTITION BY THE CHAINS OF GOLD, i.e. he made a veil, which was upon or before the partition; or which was a further partition between the holy and the most holy; which veil did hang upon these golde... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:22

THE WHOLE HOUSE; not only the oracle, but all the holy place; and, as some add, even the chambers belonging to it. THE WHOLE ALTAR THAT WAS BY THE ORACLE, i.e. the altar of incense, which was set in the holy place close by the doors of the oracle. HE OVERLAID WITH GOLD, as before he overlaid it with... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:23

Besides those two made by Moses, EXODUS 25:18, which were of gold, and far less than these, and fixed in another place and posture. OF OLIVE TREE, or, _of oily trees_, which sometimes are distinguished from the olive trees, as ISAIAH 41:19.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:29

CARVED FIGURES OF CHERUBIMS, as signs of the presence and protection of the angels vouchsafed by God to that place. PALM TREES; emblems of that peace and victory over their enemies which the Israelites duly serving God in that place might expect. WITHIN AND WITHOUT; within the oracle and without it,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:31

i.e. Four cubits in height or breadth, whereas the wall was twenty cubits. Or, A FIFTH PART of the door now mentioned. Or rather, _five-square_, having five sides and five angles, which is not incongruous nor unusual in buildings,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:36

THE INNER COURT, i.e. the priests court, 2 CHRONICLES 4:9; so called, because it was next to the temple, which it did encompass. WITH THREE ROWS OF HEWED STONE, AND A ROW OF CEDAR BEAMS; which is understood either, 1. Of the thickness of the wall, the three rows of stones being one within another,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:38

SEVEN YEARS COMPLETE, and six months, as appears by computation. But smaller sums are usually neglected, and swallowed up in the greater, both in Scripture, as JUDGES 20:46 2 SAMUEL 5:4 1 KINGS 2:11, and in other authors. It is not strange that this work took up so much time; for, 1. The temple pro... [ Continue Reading ]

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