As obedient children; Greek, children of obedience, by a usual Hebraism, for obedient children. So children of disobedience, Ephesians 2:2 Colossians 3:6. And this we may understand either absolutely, children of obedience for obedient persons; or with relation to God, obedient children of God; and then the apostle persuades them to their duty by an argument taken from their adoption; being the children of God, he would have them behave themselves obediently, as becomes them in that relation. Not fashioning yourselves; not accommodating, not conforming yourselves, not shaping or ordering your conversation. See the same word, Romans 12:2. According to the former lusts; the lusts you formerly indulged yourselves in: see Ephesians 4:22. In your ignorance; your ignorance of Christ and the gospel: q.d. Not fashioning yourselves according to those lusts you lived in when you were ignorant of Christ. He distinguisheth between the time of their ignorance, and of their illumination. Another age requires other manners. They formerly lived according to the dictates of their lusts, but now ought to live according to the will of Christ: see 1 Peter 1:18 Acts 17:30 Ephesians 4:17,18.

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