1 Peter 3:1

1 PETER CHAPTER 3 1 PETER 3:1 The apostle teacheth the duty of wives and husbands, 1 PETER 3:8 exhorting all men to unity and love, and to return good for evil, 1 PETER 3:14 to suffer boldly for righteousness sake, and to give a reason of their hope with meekness and fear; taking especial care to su... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:2

CHASTE CONVERSATION; free from all manner of impurities, and any thing contrary to the marriage covenant. COUPLED WITH FEAR; such a fear or reverence of your husbands, whereby out of the fear of God, and conscience of his command, you give them all due respect, and do not willingly displease them. S... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:3

LET IT NOT BE; let it not be chiefly, or not so much the adorning of the outward man as the inward; the negative here is to be taken as a comparative, as EXODUS 16:8 LUKE 14:12. The apostle doth not absolutely condemn all kind of ornaments, or rich attire, which we find used sometimes by the godly t... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:4

THE HIDDEN MAN OF THE HEART; the inward man, ROMANS 7:22 2 CORINTHIANS 4:16; either the soul in opposition to the body, or the image of God, and graces of his Spirit in the soul, called elsewhere _the new man, _ and opposed to natural corruption, or the old man, EPHESIANS 4:24 COLOSSIANS 3:9,10. IN... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:5

HOLY WOMEN; and therefore worthy of imitation. WHO TRUSTED IN GOD; whose only hope was in God, and therefore their care to please him. ADORNED THEMSELVES; viz. with a meek and quiet spirit, counting that the best ornament.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:6

EVEN AS SARA; after ger name was changed from Sarai, my lady, to Sarah, simply a lady or princess, because kings were to come of her, GENESIS 17:15,16: yet even then she _obeyed Abraham; _ and this is spoken in commendation of her obedience. CALLING HIM LORD; not merely in compliment, but in reality... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:7

DWELL WITH THEM; perform all matrimonial duties to them; by a synecdoche, all the duties of that relation are contained under this one of cohabitation. ACCORDING TO KNOWLEDGE; either, according to that knowledge of the Divine will, which by the gospel ye have obtained; or, prudently and wisely, and... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:8

BE YE ALL OF ONE MIND; either, be of one mind in the things of faith, and then this implies the consent of the understanding, and the next, that of the affections; or, be united both in faith and affection: see ROMANS 12:16 2 CORINTHIANS 13:11 PHILIPPIANS 4:2. HAVING COMPASSION ONE OF ANOTHER: mutua... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:9

NOT RENDERING EVIL FOR EVIL, OR RAILING FOR RAILING; not recompensing evil either in words or deeds, PROVERBS 24:29: SEE POOLE ON "1 PETER 2:3", see ROMANS 12:14,17,19,21. BUT CONTRARIWISE BLESSING; praying for, and, as ye can, doing good to, those that do evil to you, or speak evil of you, MATTHEW... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:10

HE THAT WILL LOVE LIFE; he that earnestly desires to lead a quiet and comfortable life here, and to enjoy eternal life hereafter. AND SEE GOOD DAYS; peaceable and prosperous; as evil days are such as are grievous and calamitous, GENESIS 47:9. LET HIM REFRAIN HIS TONGUE FROM EVIL: from evil-speaking,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:11

LET HIM ESCHEW EVIL, AND DO GOOD; let him not only in general avoid all sin, and exercise himself in all well-doing, (as the prophet's meaning, cited in the margin, seems to be), but particularly, let him avoid all sin against his neighbour, not recompensing evil to him, and doing him all the good h... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:12

FOR THE EYES OF THE LORD ARE OVER THE RIGHTEOUS, AND HIS EARS ARE OPEN UNTO THEIR PRAYERS; God watcheth over them, looks favourably on them, and hears their prayers: see PSALMS 34:15. This he lays down as a motive to patience under injuries, and to keep us from tumultuating passions, and desires of... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:13

AND WHO IS HE THAT WILL HARM YOU? i.e. none or few will harm you, as being convinced and overcome by your good deeds, whereby even they are many times mollified and melted that are of themselves most wicked and hard-hearted, 1 SAMUEL 24:16,17. IF YE BE FOLLOWERS OF THAT WHICH IS GOOD; either followe... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:14

BUT AND IF YE SUFFER FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS SAKE; if ye suffer unjustly, whether it be for the true profession of the gospel, or in the exercise of righteousness, being followers of that which is good, and walking in the practice of the duties before mentioned. HAPPY ARE YE; both in the spiritual benefit... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:15

BUT SANCTIFY THE LORD GOD IN YOUR HEARTS; exalt him in your hearts, and give him the honour of all his glorious perfections, power, wisdom, goodness, faithfulness, &c., by believing them, and depending upon his promises for defence and assistance against all the evils your enemies may threaten you w... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:16

HAVING A GOOD CONSCIENCE; this may be read either: 1. Indicatively, and joined (as by some it is) to the former verse; and then the sense is: If ye be always ready to answer every one that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, ye shall have a good conscience: or rather: 2. Imperatively (w... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:17

IF THE WILL OF GOD BE SO; viz. that ye must suffer; intimating that this is an argument for their patience and submission in their sufferings, and a ground of comfort to them, that they are led into them by the providence of God, (not by their own folly or rashness), and have him for a witness and j... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:18

FOR CHRIST ALSO HATH ONCE SUFFERED; in opposition to the legal sacrifices which were offered from day to day, and from year to year, HEBREWS 7:27, HEBREWS 9:25; and HEBREWS 10:12: and this shows, as the perfection of Christ's sufferings, (in that they needed not be repeated), so our conformity to hi... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:19

BY WHICH ALSO; by which Spirit, mentioned in the end of the former verse, i.e. by, or in, his Divine nature, the same by which he was quickened. HE; Christ. This notes the person that went and preached, as the former doth the nature in which, and so shows that what is here spoken of the person of Ch... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:20

WHICH; which spirits in prison. QUESTION. When were these spirits, to whom Christ preached by Noah, in prison? ANSWER. Then when Peter wrote this Epistle. The Greek participle of the present tense is here to be supplied, and the word thus read, preached to the spirits which are in prison, viz. now a... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:21

THE LIKE FIGURE; Greek, the antitype. Twice this word occurs in Scripture; once HEBREWS 9:24, where it signifies simply a type, or exemplar, or representation; and here, where it implies either the likeness or correspondence of one type with another in signifying the same thing: so that here may be... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:22

WHO IS GONE INTO HEAVEN, AND IS ON THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD: see ROMANS 8:34 HEBREWS 1:3. This is added as another ground of faith and a good conscience. ANGELS AND AUTHORITIES AND POWERS: see ROMANS 8:38 EPHESIANS 1:20,21 COL 1:16 COLOSSIANS 2:10. BEING MADE SUBJECT UNTO HIM; viz. by his Father, to wh... [ Continue Reading ]

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