But the God of all grace; i.e. the author and giver of all grace, from whom ye have received what you have, and expect what you want. Who hath called us unto his eternal glory; that eternal glory whereof believers at the last day shall be made partakers, which is called God's glory, because it is that which he hath promised to them, and will at last put them in possession of: see 1 Peter 5:1 Romans 5:2; and because they shall after a sort partake of the Divine glory which they behold. By Christ Jesus; for Christ's sake, as the meritorious cause of our effectual calling, and by him as the great Apostle of our profession, Hebrews 3:1. Or, by Christ Jesus may refer to glory, Christ being the cause of their glorification as well as calling. After that ye have suffered a while; this he adds for their encouragement, that whatsoever they suffered would be but short, as 1 Peter 1:6 2 Corinthians 4:17. Make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you; either: 1. Perfect that which is begun, Hebrews 13:20,21, stablish that which is right, 2 Thessalonians 2:16, strengthen that which is weak, settle or found (by a firm union and conjunction unto Christ) that which is already built, Ephesians 3:17,18 Col 1:23: or:

2. These four words may be but different expressions whereby the apostle sets forth the same thing, viz. God's confirming and establishing those saints unto their final perseverance; and his using so much variety of expressions may imply, that it is a matter of very great difficulty to hold on our Christian course, without failing or coming short of the goal, and therefore we need singular assistance from God to enable us to it.

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