1 Samuel 11:1

1 SAMUEL CHAPTER 11 Nahash besiegeth them of Jabesh-gilead; offereth them a reproachful condition; they have seven days granted them to consult and seek relief; they send messengers to Saul, 1 SAMUEL 11:1. He is provoked; sends messengers to all the Israelites to come in to their help; they come to... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 11:2

THAT I MAY THRUST OUT ALL YOUR RIGHT EYES; partly for a reproach, as it here follows; and partly to disable them from managing offensive weapons in battle; for their left eye served only or chiefly for defence, being covered by those large shields which then they used, and held in their left hand. H... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 11:3

GIVE US SEVEN DAYS RESPITE; which it is very probable, and Josephus and others affirm, that Nahash granted, out of a foolish self-confidence, and contempt of the broken condition of the Israelites, which he thought utterly unable to give them any relief; at least, in so short a time.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 11:4

THEN CAME THE MESSENGERS TO GIBEAH OF SAUL; partly, because it was not far from them; and partly, because it belonged to the Benjamites, who had a special obligation to take more care of that place, from whence they had their wives, JUDGES 21:10, &c.; and partly, because Saul, their new-chosen king,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 11:5

SAUL CAME AFTER THE HERD OUT OF THE FIELD; for being only anointed king, and not publicly inaugurated, nor owned, nor presented by the generality of the people, nor having yet had opportunity of doing any thing worthy of his place, he thought fit to forbear all royal state, and to retire to his form... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 11:6

THE SPIRIT OF GOD CAME UPON SAUL, inspiring him suddenly with more than ordinary courage, and zeal, and resolution, to engage himself and the people for their rescue. Compare JUDGES 3:10, JUDGES 6:34 11:29. HIS ANGER WAS KINDLED GREATLY AGAINST NAHASH, for so insolent and barbarous a proposition.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 11:7

SENT THEM THROUGHOUT ALL THE COASTS OF ISRAEL; wisely considering, that the sight of men's eyes do much more affect their hearts than what they only hear with their ears. He joins Samuel with himself, both because he was present with him, as appears from 1 SAMUEL 11:12, and that hereby he might gain... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 11:8

This great terror drew so many forth; which is not so strange to him that knows what none deny, that the land of Canaan contained vast numbers of people in a little compass. THE MEN OF JUDAH are numbered apart to their honour, to show how readily they, to whom the kingdom was promised, GENESIS 49:10... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 11:9

TO-MORROW, to wit, the day after your departure hence, or return home; for it seems probable that some few days had been spent in the gathering and disposing of the forces, and bringing them towards those parts.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 11:10

They did and might reasonably and justly understand their own condition before proposed, 1 SAMUEL 11:3, if none came to save them; which they were not now obliged to repeat, although they conjectured that their enemies would understand it absolutely, whose error therein they were no more obliged to... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 11:11

INTO THREE COMPANIES; that so invading them on several sides with a great force, he might both strike them with the greater terror, and prevent their escape. IN THE MORNING WATCH; having marched all the day and night before it.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 11:12

SHALL SAUL REIGN OVER US? they did not say so in terms, a we may see, 1 SAMUEL 10:27, but this was the design and consequence of their speech, as they rightly construe it. THAT WE MAY PUT THEM TO DEATH; which till this time they were not able to do, because that infection was then almost universal.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 11:13

I will not destroy any of those whom God hath so graciously preserved; nor sully the mirth of this glorious and comfortable day with the slaughter of any of my subjects; and therefore I freely forgive them. Wherein Saul showed his policy as well as his clemency, this being the most likely way to gai... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 11:14

THEN; whilst the people were together by Jabesh-gilead, wherein Samuel's great prudence and fidelity to Saul is evident. He suspended the confirmation to Saul at first, whilst the generality of the people were disaffected and discontented at the meanness of his person; and now when he had given such... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 11:15

THEY MADE SAUL KING, i.e. they recognized him, or owned and accepted him for their king by consent; for, to speak properly, Saul was not made or constituted king by the people, but by the Lord's immediate act: see 1 SAMUEL 8:9, 1 SAMUEL 10:1. BEFORE THE LORD; who was there present in a special manne... [ Continue Reading ]

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