1 SAMUEL CHAPTER 11 Nahash besiegeth them of Jabesh-gilead; offereth them a reproachful condition; they have seven days granted them to consult and seek relief; they send messengers to Saul, 1 Samuel 11:1. He is provoked; sends messengers to all the Israelites to come in to their help; they come to the number of three hundred and thirty thousand men, 1 Samuel 11:6. He sends word to the besieged, who deceive Nahash; who with his army is slain, 1 Samuel 11:9. The people are ready to slay Saul's enemies; in which he opposeth them: he is invested in the kingdom at Gilgal, 1 Samuel 11:12. Then, i.e. about that time; this particle being used in some latitude, as is frequent; for that this happened before, and was the occasion of their desire of a king, may seem from 1 Samuel 12:12; although it is possible that Nahash's preparation, and declared intention of warring against them, might cause that desire, and that Nahash did not actually come against them (which is here related) till their king was chosen. Nahash the Ammonite; either the same with him, 2 Samuel 10:2, or his father and predecessor. Came up to war, probably to revenge and to recover their former great loss by Jephthah, Judges 11:33. Jabesh-gilead was beyond Jordan, and near the Ammonites, who dwelt in part of Arabia. Make a covenant with us, to wit, upon good conditions, so as we shall enjoy our religion and properties. We will serve thee; in other things we will be thy subjects and tributaries. The occasion of this offer was, that they saw no likelihood of relief from their brethren the Israelites in Canaan, who were remote from them, and then weak and divided, and scarce able to defend themselves from the Philistines.

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