1 SAMUEL CHAPTER 17 The armies of the Israelites and Philistines ready for battle: Goliath terrifieth the Israelites with his stature, armour, and challenge, 1 Samuel 17:1. David sent by his father to visit his brethren; is willing to encounter with him, 1 Samuel 17:12; for which Eliab chideth him: he is brought to Saul, and showeth the reason of his confidence, 1 Samuel 17:28. He taketh a staff, and sling, with five stones, 1 Samuel 17:38. Goliath curseth and threateneth him, 1 Samuel 17:41. David's faith: he slayeth him, 1 Samuel 17:45. The Philistines flee; are smitten and plundered, 1 Samuel 17:51. Saul taketh notice of David, 1 Samuel 17:55. To revenge their former great and shameful defeat, 1Sa 14.

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