When David was returned from the slaughter of the Philistine; either, first, From some eminent victory obtained by him against the Philistines, though not particularly related, wherein also Saul might be present and concerned. Or rather, secondly, From the slaughter of Goliath, and the other Philistines with him. Against this it is objected, that this song was sung either after David was advanced and employed, as is related 1 Samuel 18:5, and therefore not immediately after that great victory; or, before he was so advanced; and then it would have raised Saul's jealousy and envy, and consequently hindered David's advancement. But it may be replied, that this song, though placed afterwards, was sung before David's advancement, related 1 Samuel 18:5. And that this did not hinder David's preferment, must be ascribed partly to Saul's policy, who, though he had an eye upon David, and designed to crush him upon a fit occasion; yet saw it necessary for his own reputation, and the encouragement of other men's valour, and for the satisfaction of Jonathan's passionate desire, and the just and general expectation of the whole army and people, to give him some considerable preferment for the present; and principally to God's providence overruling Saul, against his own inclination, and his mistaken interest. Out of all cities of Israel, i.e. out of all the neighbouring cities, by or through which the victorious army marched. Singing and dancing, according to the custom of those times and places; of which See Poole on "Exodus 15:20", See Poole on "Judges 11:34".

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