To him that liveth in prosperity, Heb. to him that liveth. Life is oft put for a prosperous and happy life, as in that prayer, Let the king live, 1 Samuel 10:24 1 Kings 1:25, and in other passages of Scripture, and other authors; for an afflicted and calamitous life is unworthy of the name of life, and is esteemed a kind of death, and oft so called, as 2 Corinthians 1:10, 2 Corinthians 11:23. By this expression David both congratulates Nabal's felicity, and tacitly minds him of the penury and distress in which David and his men now were. To thine house, i.e. to all thy family. Unto all that thou hast; to all thy goods. So David's prayer is very comprehensive, reaching to his soul, and body, and wife, and children, and servants, and all his estate.

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