1 Samuel 4:1

1 SAMUEL CHAPTER 4 The Israelites are smitten by the Philistines at Eben-ezer, 1 SAMUEL 4:1,2. They fetch the ark from Shiloh; receive it with a great shout, to the terror of the Philistines, 1 SAMUEL 4:3; who yet take courage, and a second time beat the Israelites: the ark is taken; the two sons of... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 4:2

WHEN THEY JOINED BATTLE, Heb. _when the battle was spread_, i.e. when the two armies had drawn forth themselves into military order, and put themselves into the usual posture for fighting, and began to fight in their several places.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 4:3

WHEREFORE HATH THE LORD SMITTEN US TODAY BEFORE THE PHILISTINES, seeing our cause is so just, our own just and necessary defence from God's and our enemies, and we came not forth to battle by our own motion, but by God's command delivered by Samuel? This was strange blindness, that when there was so... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 4:4

THAT THEY MIGHT BRING FROM THENCE THE ARK; which it may seem they should not have done without asking counsel of God, which they might easily have done by Samuel. HOPHNI AND PHINEHAS WERE THERE; either, first, in the camp; or rather, secondly, in Shiloh. WITH THE ARK; attending upon it, instead of t... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 4:5

Partly from their great joy and confidence of success; and partly in design to encourage themselves, and terrify their enemies.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 4:7

GOD IS COME, to wit, in and with his ark; or they give the name of God to the ark, before which he was worshipped, as they used to do to the images of their false gods. There hath not been such a thing heretofore; not to our knowledge, or not in our times; for the forementioned removals of the ark w... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 4:8

THESE MIGHTY GODS; they secretly confess the Lord to be higher and greater than their gods, and yet against their knowledge presume to oppose him. They mention the wilderness, not as if all the plagues of the Egyptians came upon them in the wilderness, but because the last and sorest of all, which i... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 4:9

QUIT YOURSELVES LIKE MEN; since you can expect no relief from your gods, who are not able to resist theirs, it concerns you to put forth all your strength and courage, and once for all to act like brave and valiant men.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 4:10

INTO HIS TENT, i.e. to his habitation, called by the ancient name of his tent. Before they lost but four thousand, now in the presence of the ark thirty thousand, to teach them that the ark and ordinances of God were never designed for sanctuaries or refuges to impenitent sinners, but only for the c... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 4:11

The ark of God was taken; which God justly and wisely permitted; partly, to punish the Israelites for their profanation of it; partly, that by taking away the pretences of their foolish and impious confidence, he might more deeply humble them, and bring them to true repentance; partly, that the Phil... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 4:13

ELI SAT UPON A SEAT; placed there on purpose for him, that he might soon receive the tidings, which he longed for. HIS HEART TREMBLED FOR THE ARK OF GOD; whereby he discovered a public and generous spirit, and a fervent zeal for God, and for his honour and service, which he preferred before all his... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 4:18

HE FELL FROM OFF THE SEAT BACKWARD; being so oppressed with grief and astonishment, that he had no strength left to support him. BY THE SIDE OF THE GATE, to wit, the gate of the city, which was most convenient for the speedy understanding of all occurrences. HE WAS AN OLD MAN, AND HEAVY; old, and th... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 4:21

THE GLORY, i.e. the glorious type and assurance of God's presence, the ark, which is oft called God's glory, as PSALMS 26:8, PSALMS 78:61 ISAIAH 64:11, and which was the great safeguard and ornament of Israel, which they could glory in above all other nations.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 4:22

This is repeated to show her piety, and that the public and spiritual loss lay heavier upon her spirit than her personal or domestic calamity.... [ Continue Reading ]

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