For when they shall say, Peace and safety: by these words the apostle proves that the day of the Lord will come unexpected, by the security that will be then found in the world. They say it in their hearts and practice, if not with their tongues. And he useth two words the better to express the greatness of this security, present peace, and no danger of sliding, as the words import. And as the effect of Christ's coming will be destruction to such, which will be salvation to others, Hebrews 9:28; so through their security it will be sudden destruction, which he describes under the similitude of travail upon a woman with child, which doth for the most part come of a sudden, and is the most exquisite pains in nature, and is often made use of in Scripture to set forth extremity of misery, Isaiah 13:8 Jeremiah 13:21. And these pains come upon her unavoidably; so saith the apostle of these men's destruction, and they shall not escape, or in no wise escape, expressed in the Greek by two negatives, which do strongly affirm.

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