1 Timothy 2:1

OLBGrk; 1 TIMOTHY CHAPTER 2 1 TIMOTHY 2:1 Paul exhorteth to pray and give thanks for all men, for kings and magistrates especially. 1 TIMOTHY 2:4 God willeth the savation of all men. 1 TIMOTHY 2:7 Paul's commission to teach the Gentiles. 1 TIMOTHY 2:8 He directeth how women should be attired, 1 TIMO... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 2:2

FOR KINGS, AND FOR ALL THAT ARE IN AUTHORITY: the kings of the earth at that time were all heathens, and enemies to the Christian religion, so (generally) were those who were in a subordinate authority to them, yet the apostle commands that prayers should be made in the Christian congregations for t... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 2:3

To pray for all, as well our enemies as our friends, especially for princes, and such as are in places of magistracy and authority, is GOOD, being according to the will and commandment of God, and ACCEPTABLE to God, as all acts of obedience to his will are. The word SAVIOUR may either be understood... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 2:4

The apostle produces a clear, convincing reason, that the duty of charity in praying for all men is pleasing to God, from his love extended to all, in his willing their salvation, and their knowledge and belief of the gospel, which is the only way of salvation. From hence our Saviour's commission an... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 2:5

The apostle proves the universal love of God to men by two reasons, the unity of God, and the unity of the Mediator: though there are divers societies and vast numbers of men, yet there is but one God, the Creator and Preserver of all. If there were many gods in nature, it were conceivable that the... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 2:6

OLBGrk; Antilutron, the word here translated RANSOM, is very emphatical; it signifies the exchanging of condition with another, the laying down of one's life to save another s. This our Saviour has done for us. The Scripture discovers to us, that _by nature we are the children of wrath, _ and guilty... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 2:7

OLBGrk; WHEREUNTO I AM ORDAINED A PREACHER; for the publishing and making known of which testimony of the Divine goodness and truth I am set, or _appointed,_ 2 TIMOTHY 1:11, eteyhn, _a preacher, _ or a public officer to proclaim and make it known. AND AN APOSTLE; and am immediately called by Christ,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 2:8

I WILL THEREFORE THAT MEN PRAY EVERY WHERE; this is one precept that I give thee in charge as to the management of the affairs of the church, that wherever men meet together to worship God, whether in houses built for that purpose, or in more common houses, or any other place, (for the time is now c... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 2:9

The apostle's next precept to be urged by Timothy, is concerning the habits of women, especially when they come to worship God in the public assemblies; for to such assemblies the precepts in this chapter, both before and after this, chiefly relate. Concerning these he commands, that they should ADO... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 2:10

They ought to look at the ornament of good works; for those are the ornaments which best become women professing godliness, whose hearts should despise the ornament of the figure of excrementitious hair, or a little yellow earth, or a stone, or the work of a pitiful silkworm.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 2:11

That is, in the public assemblies for worship, it is the woman's part silently to learn, showing thereby a subjection to the man, who is the head of the woman.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 2:12

BUT I SUFFER NOT A WOMAN TO TEACH; not to teach in the public congregation, except she be a prophetess, endued with extraordinary gifts of the Spirit, as Mary, and Anna, and Huldah, and Deborah, and some women in the primitive church, concerning whom we read, 1 CORINTHIANS 11:5, that they prophesied... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 2:13

The man had the priority of the woman in his creation, he was not made for her, but she was made for a help-mate mate for him; therefore she, being made for him, ought to usurp no authority over him.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 2:14

Besides, Adam was not first deceived, nor indeed at all deceived immediately by the serpent, but only enticed, and deceived by the woman, who was the tempter's agent; so as that she was both first in the transgression in order of time, and also principal in it, contributing to the seduction or trans... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 2:15

Though the woman was so unhappy as to be deceived by the serpent, and to be the first in taking the forbidden fruit, and an instrument to entice her husband to do the like, which may give all of that sex a cause of humiliation, and show them the reasonableness of God's order in putting them in subje... [ Continue Reading ]

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