OLBGrk; 1 TIMOTHY CHAPTER 3 1 Timothy 3:1 The office of a bishop is to be esteemed a good work. 1 Timothy 3:2 The qualifications requisite in a bishop, 1 Timothy 3:8 and in deacons. 1 Timothy 3:14,15 Why Paul wrote these instructions to Timothy. 1 Timothy 3:16 The important truths of the Christian revelation. This is a true saying; pistov, a faithful saying, that which none can dispute, of which none ought to doubt. If a man desire the office of a bishop; if a man desire any office to which belongs an oversight of the church of God. The Greek word episkoph signifies in the general an oversight of others; here the following discourse restrains it to an oversight of persons and affairs in the church. The apostle by this phrase determines this employment lawful, and under due circumstances to be desired, and saith of it, that he who desireth it desireth kalon ergon, a good work, a noble employment; it is a work, the office of the ministry in the church is and ought to be a work. The titles of gospel ministers are not mere titles of honour, and of all works or employments, the ministry is the most noble employment. We (saith the apostle) are stewards of the mysteries of God, ministers of Christ, 1 Corinthians 4:1; ambassadors for Christ, in Christ's stead, 2 Corinthians 5:20; God's angels or messengers to churches, Revelation 2:1. It being so good, so great, and noble an employment, it is no wonder that God hath restrained women, the weaker and more ignoble sex, from invading it, for all men are not fit for it, but only such as are hereafter described.

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