Charge them that are rich in this world: those that are rich in grace, and the good things of another life, need not this charge; but there are divers at Ephesus who have great estates in goods, or houses, or lands, and but poor in gracious habits, charge them. That they be not highminded; that their riches do not lift them up into a high conceit or opinion of themselves, which worldly riches often do. Nor trust in uncertain riches; and that they repose no confidence in them, making them their strong city, Proverbs 10:15, as if they could secure them from evil, or make them happy. But in the living God; but let them repose their trust in God, who hath life in himself, giveth life unto all other things, and liveth for ever. Who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; and is he who gives us all we have, though it be bought with our penny.

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