2 Chronicles 1:1

2 CHRONICLES CHAPTER 1 King Solomon's solemn offering at Gibeon, 2 CHRONICLES 1:1. His choice of wisdom is blessed by God, 2 CHRONICLES 1:7. His strength and wealth, 1 CHRONICLES 1:13. WAS STRENGTHENED, or _established_, after his seditious brother Adonijah and his partisans were suppressed; and h... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 1:2

THEN SOLOMON SPAKE, to wit, concerning his intention of going to Gibeon, and that they should attend him thither, as the next verse shows.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 1:4

He separated the ark from the tabernacle, and brought it to Jerusalem, because there he intended to build a far more noble and lasting habitation for it.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 1:5

HE PUT; either Moses, mentioned 2 CHRONICLES 1:3, or Bezaleel, here last named, by the command and direction of Moses; or David, who may be said to put it there, because he continued it there, and did not remove it, as he did the ark from the tabernacle. SOUGHT UNTO IT, i.e. sought the Lord and his... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 1:6

i.e. WHICH ALTAR. But that he had now said, 2 CHRONICLES 1:5, and therefore would not unnecessarily repeat it. Or rather, _who_; and so these words are emphatical, and contain a reason why Solomon went thither, because the Lord was there graciously present to hear prayers and receive sacrifices.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 1:13

TO THE HIGH PLACE, or, _from the high place_; for the Hebrew prefix _lamed_, which commonly signifies _to_, is sometimes put for the Latin _de_, which signifies _from_.... [ Continue Reading ]

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