Of Oded the prophet, to wit, of Azariah, 2 Chronicles 15:1, who was also called by his father's name Oded. Or Oded may be here put patronymically for the son of Oded; as David is put for Christ the Son of David, Jeremiah 30:9, and elsewhere; and Moses for the sons of Moses, Psalms 90:1. Or here is an ellipsis of the relative word, of which there are many instances both in sacred and profane authors; as 2 Samuel 21:19, the brother of Goliath; Matthew 4:21, James the son of Zebedee; Luke 24:10, Mary the mother of James, by comparing Mark 15:40 1 Thessalonians 19:25, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and many other places. And so this place may be thus read, when Asa heard these words, even the prophecy of the son of Oded the prophet. And this ellipsis is the more easy and tolerable, because this defect might be well enough understood and supplied out of 2 Chronicles 15:1. Though some understand this to be another prophecy of Oded the father, which is not here expressed, which Azariah his son repeated to them for the confirmation of his own prophecy. He took courage; for it required great courage to put away all the idols, to which so great a number of his people were to this day addicted, and, among others, Maachah the queen, his mother, whom for this reason he deposed, 1 Kings 15:13. The cities which he had taken, to wit, Abijah his father; which was easily understood from 2 Chronicles 13:19. Or, which had been taken; the active word being oft so used impersonally for the passive, as Hebricians know. Renewed the altar of the Lord; which had been either decayed through age and long use of it, or broken by his idolatrous mother's means. Or, he consecrated or dedicated the altar, &c.; which possibly had been polluted by idolaters, and now needed some purification.

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