2 Chronicles 20:1

2 CHRONICLES CHAPTER 20 Several armies come against Judah: Jehoshaphat in his fear proclaimeth a fast, 2 CHRONICLES 20:1. His prayer, 2 CHRONICLES 20:5. Jehaziel's prophecy, 2 CHRONICLES 20:14. The enemies are overthrown, 2 CHRONICLES 20:20. The people return in triumph, blessing God, 2 CHRONICLES 2... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 20:2

FROM BEYOND THE SEA, to wit, the Dead Sea, beyond which Mount Seir lay. ON THIS SIDE SYRIA, or, _and from Syria_, largely so called, and so it includes the Moabites and Ammonites. And it may be thus expressed, to intimate that they came by the instigation of the Syrians, who thought by this means to... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 20:3

JEHOSHAPHAT FEARED; partly from human frailty, and partly from the remembrance of his own guilt, and the wrath of God denounced against him for it, 2 CHRONICLES 19:2. SET HIMSELF TO SEEK THE LORD: the phrase notes his settled resolution, seriousness, and earnestness in it, and the preparing and fixi... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 20:5

IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD, largely so called, i.e. in one of the courts of the temple, even in the court of the people, and upon that brazen scaffold which Solomon had erected for such a purpose, 2 CHRONICLES 6:13. BEFORE THE NEW COURT, i.e. besides and before the priests court; for there were but tw... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 20:7

i.e. To whom thou hast engaged thyself by covenant to be his friend, and the friend of his seed for ever, and therefore we trust thou wilt not forsake us his posterity.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 20:9

THE SWORD, JUDGMENT, or rather, _the sword of judgment_, or of vengeance, i.e. war, whereby thou judgest and punishest thy people for their sins. Compare LEVITICUS 26:25.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 20:12

Thus he speaks, partly though he had great armies to be drawn together in due time upon great occasions, 2 CHRONICLES 17:14, &c.; yet he seems to have been surprised by these men before his forces were in readiness to oppose them; and partly because he well knew, and piously and wisely considered, t... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 20:13

Whom they used to present before the Lord in times of great distress, partly to stir up themselves to more fervent and faithful prayers, that their eye, being upon their harmless and tender children, might affect their heart with a greater sense of their misery; and partly to move God to compassion,... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 20:18

BOWED HIS HEAD WITH HIS FACE TO THE GROUND, in token of his reverence to God and his message, his belief of the promise, and his thankfulness for so great a favour.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 20:19

THE LEVITES STOOD UP, by Jehoshaphat's appointment. WITH A LOUD VOICE ON HIGH, i.e. with most loud voice, with heart and voice lifted up; whereby they showed their full assurance of the victory, as if it were already accomplished.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 20:20

BELIEVE HIS PROPHETS, i.e. God's promise delivered to us by this prophet, and consequently all other predictions of the prophets that either have been or shall be. SO SHALL YE PROSPER: take heed, lest by your unbelief you frustrate God's promise.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 20:21

_ With the people_, i.e. with the elders or chief of the people; partly to take their advice about the expediency of the thing; and partly that they might excite and prepare themselves, and the people under them, to this great work of praising God. HE APPOINTED SINGERS UNTO THE LORD; to the honour a... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 20:22

WHEN THEY BEGAN TO SING AND TO PRAISE; so acceptable are the fervent prayers of God's people to God, and so terrible to their enemies. AMBUSHMENTS, or, _liers in wait_; either, 1. The holy angels, who appeared in the shape of men, and possibly put on the appearances and visages of Moabites or Ammon... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 20:24

TOWARD THE WATCH-TOWER; which stood upon the cliff of Ziz, mentioned above, 2 CHRONICLES 20:16, or some other hill which looked toward the wilderness, where their enemies lay encamped, whose numbers, and order, and condition they could decry from thence.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 20:25

RICHES AND PRECIOUS JEWELS; which they brought with them, partly, to corrupt any of Jehoshaphat's officers as they saw occasion; partly, to procure necessaries for their vast army from time to time; and partly, because they came as to a triumph rather than to a fight, being secure and confident of t... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 20:33

THE HIGH PLACES WHERE NOT TAKEN AWAY; not fully nor universally; of which SEE POOLE ON "2 CHRONICLES 17:6". The fault was not in Jehoshaphat, but in the people, who, though they did worship the true God, yet would not be confined to the temple, but for their own conveniency, or from their affection... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 20:35

This is mentioned as an aggravation of his sin, after so great a favour and obligation laid upon him by God, and after he had been so sharply reproved and threatened by a prophet for the same thing, 2 CHRONICLES 19:2; yet he relapsed into the same sin; which proceeded partly from that near relation... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 20:36

TO MAKE SHIPS TO GO TO TARSHISH; of which SEE POOLE ON "1 KINGS 10:22, 1 KINGS 22:48". THEY MADE THE SHIPS IN EZION-GABER; of which see on 1 KINGS 9:26.... [ Continue Reading ]

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