2 Chronicles 21:1

2 CHRONICLES CHAPTER 21. Jehoram is made king, and slayeth his brethren, 2 CHRONICLES 21:1. His wicked reign, 2 CHRONICLES 21:5. Edom and Libnah revolt 2 CHRONICLES 21:8. The prophecy of Elijah against him in writing, 2 CHRONICLES 21:12. The Philistines and Arabians oppress him; his incurable diseas... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 21:2

AZARIAH; two sons called by the same name, though doubtless distinguished by some additional title, which is not mentioned here, because it did not concern succeeding ages to know it. Though indeed there is a difference in their Hebrew names, the one being _Azariah_, the other _Azariahu_, _hu_ being... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 21:3

Whom he conceived that he ought to prefer by virtue of that law of God, DEUTERONOMY 21:15, though otherwise he would not have done it, having probably ere this time perceived his perverse and wicked inclinations, and how much he was swayed by his idolatrous wife. Now he saw his error when it was too... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 21:4

HE STRENGTHENED HIMSELF; he took courage and hardened his heart, as that word sometimes signifies. SLEW ALL HIS BRETHREN WITH THE SWORD; partly because they either did, or he knew that they would, oppose him in his wicked designs; and partly for his own security, lest his people, who, as he believed... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 21:7

BECAUSE OF THE COVENANT THAT HE HAD MADE WITH DAVID; for which, in 2 KINGS 8:19, it is for David his servant's sake, i.e. not for David's merits, but for God's free promise and covenant, as it is here explained.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 21:10

To wit, publicly and avowedly, setting him at defiance, as the next verse shows. And this is mentioned, either, 1. As the reason why the priests, whose city Libnah was, forsook him, because he had forsaken God; or rather, 2. As the reason why God raised up so many enemies against him, both from ab... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 21:11

HE MADE HIGH PLACES; not to the Lord, whose sworn enemy he was, but to Baals, or false gods. CAUSED THE INHABITANTS OF JERUSALEM TO COMMIT FORNICATION; not only by his counsel and example, but, as it follows, by force, by threats and penalties.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 21:12

THERE CAME A WRITING TO HIM FROM ELIJAH. QUEST. How could this be, when Elijah was rapt up to heaven in Jehoshaphat's time, 2 KINGS 2:3,11. ANSW. Either, 1. This was Elisha, or some other prophet called Elijah, because he acted in the spirit and power of Elijah, for which cause John the Baptist als... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 21:14

THE LORD WILL SMITE THY PEOPLE. QUEST. Why the people for his sin? ANSW. 1. Because the generality of them sinned in complying with his wicked and idolatrous commands through fear, 2 CHRONICLES 21:11. 2. Because he suffered in his people's destruction: for as the honour, and safety, and strength o... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 21:15

i.e. From day to day continually. Or, year upon year, i.e. one year after another, or for the space of two years, as the event shows, 2 CHRONICLES 21:19. Heb. _days upon days_. _Days_ are oft put for a _year_, as Exodus 13:10 Leviticus 25:29 Numbers 9:22 Judges 17:10 1 Samuel 1:3 1 Samuel 27:7... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 21:16

THE PHILISTINES; a people fully subdued and dispirited; but God now raiseth their spirits and courage to do his work. NEAR THE ETHIOPIANS, Heb. _near the Cushites_, i.e. either the Ethiopians, from whom they were parted only by the Red Sea, each dwelling upon the opposite shores of it; or rather, a... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 21:17

HIS SONS ALSO AND HIS WIVES; whom also they slew, 2 CHRONICLES 22:1, except Ahaziah and Athaliah, who possibly were hidden in some secret and safe place. JEHOAHAZ; called also Ahaziah, which signifies the very same thing with Jehoahaz; and Azariah, 2 CHRONICLES 22:6, whose signification is near akin... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 21:20

DEPARTED, Heb. _went_, to wit, _the way of all the earth_, as it is more fully expressed, JOSHUA 23:14. Or, _to the land of darkness_, as JOB 10:21,22. Or, to _his long home_, ECCLESIASTES 12:5. Or, _went away_, to wit, out of this world; as this word is used, JOB 14:20 ECCLESIASTES 5:15, ECCLESIAST... [ Continue Reading ]

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