2 Chronicles 23:1

2 CHRONICLES CHAPTER 23 Jehoiada maketh Joash king, 2 CHRONICLES 23:1. Athaliah is slain, 2 CHRONICLES 23:12. The pure worship of God is restored, 2 CHRONICLES 23:16. TOOK THE CAPTAINS OF HUNDREDS; not all, but those here following, in whom he put most trust. But this chapter is almost all taken out... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 23:2

GATHERED THE LEVITES OUT OF ALL THE CITIES OF JUDAH; partly because they could do this without any suspicion, upon pretence of some solemn feast; which time, it is probable, was chosen for this purpose; and partly because he knew them to be well affected to the cause of God and the king, to which th... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 23:5

AT THE GATE OF THE FOUNDATION; at the east gate, thought to be so called, because it stood lower than the rest of the doors, at the foot of the steps, by which they went up from the king's house to the temple. IN THE COURTS; either, 1. In the two courts; and so by the people he understands as well... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 23:6

INTO THE HOUSE OF THE LORD; strictly so called, as it is distinguished from the courts, into which others were permitted to come, 2 CHRONICLES 23:5, to wit, into the holy place. THE PRIESTS, AND THEY THAT MINISTER OF THE LEVITES; they who are to minister in course, or by my present appointment. THE... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 23:16

BETWEEN HIM, i.e. the Lord, as is sufficiently implied in the end of this verse, and plainly expressed 2 KINGS 11:17. Or, _between himself_; that the people might see that he brought them under no bond but what he would take upon himself. THAT THEY SHOULD BE THE LORD'S PEOPLE, i.e. that every one in... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 23:18

APPOINTED THE OFFICES OF THE HOUSE OF THE LORD BY THE HAND or, as it is in the Hebrew, _put the offices of the house of the Lord into the hand_, i.e. he restored the priests and Levites, either, 1. To their places and offices, which possibly in the time of the idolatrous kings, and of Athaliah, had... [ Continue Reading ]

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