At the gate of the foundation; at the east gate, thought to be so called, because it stood lower than the rest of the doors, at the foot of the steps, by which they went up from the king's house to the temple. In the courts; either,

1. In the two courts; and so by the people he understands as well the generality of the Levites, who had no particular stations allotted to them, as their brethren had, 2 Chronicles 23:4,5, which were to be in the priests court, as the people, who were in the court of the people: or,

2. In the court of the people, which may be called courts, the plural number being put for the singular, in regard of great amplitude, and divers quarters and partitions, into which it was or might be divided; as the temple is called sanctuaries, because of its division into divers parts, Leviticus 26:31.

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