2 Chronicles 24:1

2 CHRONICLES CHAPTER 24 Joash reigneth well all the days of Jehoiada, 2 CHRONICLES 24:1. He dieth; is buried honourably; and Joash falleth to idolatry; slayeth Zechariah the son of Jehoiada, 2 CHRONICLES 24:15. He is spoiled by the Syrians; slain by Zabad and Jehozabad: Amaziah succeedeth him, 2 CHR... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 24:5

GATHER OF ALL ISRAEL, i.e. of all the Israelites that were in the kingdom of Judah. See 2 CHRONICLES 15:17, 2 CHRONICLES 21:2. To repair the house of your God from year to year; either, 1. Repair part of it every year till the reparations be perfected; or, 2. Gather it from year to year, till you g... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 24:6

JEHOIADA THE CHIEF: it is observable, that he is not called the chief priest, or high priest, but only THE CHIEF, or &c _the head_, which he might be in many other respects, either by reason of his near relation to the royal family; or because he was the chief of one of the twenty-four families; or... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 24:7

THE SONS OF ATHALIAH, to wit, Ahaziah and his brethren, before they were carried away captive, 2 CHRONICLES 21:17, who did this by her instigation, as this phrase implies. HAD BROKEN UP THE HOUSE OF GOD; both broken up the treasuries, and defaced the house itself.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 24:9

i.e. A collection answerable to it; as they are said to be guilty of the _error of Balaam and gainsaying of Core_, JUDGES 1:11, who fell into sins of the same kind.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 24:11

_ The chest was brought unto the king's office_, from the gate of the court into one of the chambers belonging to the temple, which was appointed by the king for this office.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 24:16

HE HAD DONE GOOD IN ISRAEL, i.e. in Judah, which was an eminent part of Israel, and the only part of it which owned God, or was owned by God as his Israel, to whom therefore he oft appropriates this name, thereby signifying that the other tribes were unworthy of that honourable title, and had forfei... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 24:17

MADE OBEISANCE TO THE KING; in that posture presenting their requests to him, that they might not be confined to unnecessary and troublesome journeys in coming to Jerusalem to worship, but might have the liberty which their forefathers enjoyed of worshipping God in the high places; which liberty, wh... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 24:22

i.e. Make inquisition for my innocent blood; which he did not wish from any desire of private revenge, with which so wise and good a man would never be willing to die; but partly from a zeal to public justice, and the punishment of such gross wickedness; and partly to deter them, if possible, from c... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 24:23

AT THE END OF THE YEAR; so soon did God hear the cry of his holy prophet's blood, and revenge it. DESTROYED ALL THE PRINCES OF THE PEOPLE; that it might appear they were sent and directed by God to single out to destruction the first beginners and chief promoters of this general apostacy. UNTO THE K... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 24:25

FOR THE BLOOD OF THE SONS OF JEHOIADA, i.e. of Zechariah his son; the plural number _sons_ put for the singular son, as it is frequently, both in Scripture, as GENESIS 46:7 NUMBERS 26:42, and in Cicero and other profane authors. Or he might kill other sons of Jehoiada with him, either because they o... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 24:27

THE GREATNESS OF THE BURDENS LAID UPON HIM; either the severe prophecies against him, which are oft called _burdens_; of which one instance is recorded, and there might be others that are not recorded; or the great judgments of God upon him, both by the Syrians, 2 CHRONICLES 24:23,24, and by great d... [ Continue Reading ]

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