2 Chronicles 25:1

2 CHRONICLES CHAPTER 25 Amaziah beginneth to reign well; slayeth his father's murderers, 2 CHRONICLES 25:1. Having hired an army of Israelites against the Edomites, at the word of a prophet he dismisseth them, 2 CHRONICLES 25:5; and with his own people overthroweth the Edomites: the Israelites in th... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 25:8

BE STRONG FOR THE BATTLE; take courage, and strengthen thyself as much as thou canst. It is an ironical concession, like that, _Go, and prosper_.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 25:10

THEIR ANGER WAS GREATLY KINDLED AGAINST JUDAH; because they were both disgraced by this rejection, and disappointed of that prey and spoil which they hoped to gain, whereas now they were sent away empty; for the one hundred talents probably were given to their officers only to raise men for this ser... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 25:13

UNTO BETH-HORON, to wit, Beth-horon the lower, which was in the tribe of Benjamin; and from thence to Samaria; either, 1. To the city of Samaria; for the kings of Judah had taken divers places within the kingdom of Israel. Or, 2. To the kingdom of Samaria; Beth-horon and all other places between t... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 25:15

Therefore thou art not only ungrateful and impious, but also ridiculously foolish, in offending that God whose power and goodness thou hast now found, and in worshipping such gods of whose impotency thou hast had late experience.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 25:16

ART THOU MADE OF THE KING'S COUNSEL? who art thou that presumest to direct and govern my affairs, without my commission? WHY SHOULDEST THOU BE SMITTEN? provoke me no further, lest I cause thee to be killed for thy sauciness. I KNOW THAT GOD HATH DETERMINED TO DESTROY THEE: this he might know, either... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 25:17

AMAZIAH TOOK ADVICE, i.e. about the injury which the Israelites had done to his people, 2 CHRONICLES 25:13, and how he should repair it. But of this and the following verses SEE POOLE ON "2 KINGS 14:8", &c.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 25:24

IN THE HOUSE OF GOD WITH OBED-EDOM, i. e. with Obed-edom's posterity, to whom the custody of the sacred treasures was committed. See 1 CHRONICLES 26:15.... [ Continue Reading ]

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