2 Chronicles 26:1

2 CHRONICLES CHAPTER 26 Uzziah is made king; reigneth well in the days of Zechariah, and prospereth, 2 CHRONICLES 26:1. He invadeth the priest's office; is smitten with a leprosy, 2 CHRONICLES 26:16. He dieth, and Jotham succeedeth him, 2 CHRONICLES 26:22,23. UZZIAH; called also _Azariah_, 2 KINGS 1... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 26:5

HE SOUGHT GOD, i.e. he persisted in the true religion and worship of God. IN THE DAYS OF ZECHARIAH; as long as he lived. Compare 2 CHRONICLES 24:2. who had understanding; who was a very knowing and experienced person. Or, _who made him understanding_; or, _who instructed him_; who was his tutor and... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 26:6

GATH had been taken by Hazael in the days of Joash his grandfather, 2 KINGS 12:17, but was either relinquished by him, because it lay so far from his other dominions; or retaken by the Philistines, who had now repaired its fortifications, and kept it.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 26:10

HE BUILT TOWERS IN THE DESERT; partly to guard his cattle from the inroads and depredations which the Arabians were accustomed to make; and partly to give notice of the approach of any enemy, and to give some stop to their march on that side.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 26:11

THAT WENT OUT TO WAR BY BANDS, i.e. some bands at one time, and some at another, as occasion required. SEE POOLE ON "1 CHRONICLES 27:1", SEE POOLE ON "2 CHRONICLES 13:14".... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 26:16

BUT WHEN HE WAS STRONG; when he was strengthened in his kingdom, and free from the fear of any enemy. INTO THE TEMPLE OF THE LORD; into the holy place, where the altar of incense stood, and into which none but the priests might enter, much less offer incense.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 26:18

THEY WITHSTOOD UZZIAH; Heb. _stood up against Uzziah_; not by force, or laying hands upon him to restrain him, for in the next verse you still find the censer in his hand; but only by admonition and reproof, which here follows. NEITHER SHALL IT BE FOR THINE HONOUR FROM THE LORD GOD; expect that God... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 26:19

UZZIAH WAS WROTH with the priests. The leprosy even rose up in his forehead; so as he could not hide his shame; though it is probable it was also in the rest of his body. FROM BESIDE THE INCENSE ALTAR; by a stroke from an invisible hand coming from the altar, that he might be assured that this was t... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 26:20

THEY THRUST HIM OUT; not by force, as was noted on 2 CHRONICLES 26:18, which needed not, for he voluntarily hasted away, as it follows; but by vehement persuasions and denunciations of God's further judgments upon him, if he did not depart. Some suppose that the earthquake, mentioned AMOS 1:1 MALACH... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 26:21

UNTO THE DAY OF HIS DEATH: God would have this leprosy to be incurable, as a lasting monument of his anger against such presumptuous invaders of the priest's office. DWELT IN A SEVERAL HOUSE; as he was obliged to do by law, LEVITICUS 13:16, which he durst not now resist, being under the hand and str... [ Continue Reading ]

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