2 CHRONICLES CHAPTER 31 The people forward in destroying idolatry: Hezekiah ordereth the courses of the priests and Levites; and provideth for their work and maintenance, 2 Chronicles 31:1. The people forward in offerings and tithes, 2 Chronicles 31:5. Hezekiah appointeth officers to dispose of the tithes, 2 Chronicles 31:11; his sincerity, 2 Chronicles 31:20,21. In Ephraim also and Manasseh; either,

1. In those cities belonging to Ephraim and Manasseh, which the kings of Judah had formerly taken from the kings of Israel. Or,

2. In the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. For although these were a part of Hoshea's kingdom, yet Hezekiah presumed to do this, partly, by virtue of the law of God, to which both Israel and Judah owed subjection, which commanded the extirpation of these things out of the whole land of Canaan; partly, by the special impulse and direction of God's Spirit, which sometimes did put persons upon heroical and extraordinary actions, not to be drawn into imitation; and partly, because he knew that Hoshea contented himself with the worship of the calves, and did not practise that great idolatry which his predecessors had used, and therefore would patiently suffer the breaking of these images of Baal, and the things belonging to them; which is all that was done at this time.

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