2 Chronicles 33:1

2 CHRONICLES CHAPTER 33 Manasseh's wicked reign, 2 CHRONICLES 33:1. His captivity, 2 CHRONICLES 33:11. His prayer and reformation, 2 CHRONICLES 33:12. His acts, 2 CHRONICLES 33:18,19, and death, 2 CHRONICLES 33:20. Amon's wicked reign; is slain by his servants, 2 CHRONICLES 33:21. They being slain,... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 33:11

AMONG THE THORNS; in some thicket where he thought to hide himself from the Assyrians till he could make an escape, as the Israelites formerly used to do, 1 SAMUEL 13:6. Or, _with hooks_; a metaphorical expression. Or, _in his forts_, i.e. in one of them. CARRIED HIM TO BABYLON; either therefore Esa... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 33:13

i.e. He was convinced by his own experience of God's power, justice, and goodness, that Jehovah alone was the true God, and not those idols which he had worshipped, by which he had received great hurt, and no good.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 33:14

HE BUILT A WALL; he repaired and strengthened that wall which Hezekiah had built, 2 CHRONICLES 32:5, and which possibly the king of Assyria, when he last took Jerusalem, had caused to be thrown down, either wholly or in part. ON THE WEST SIDE OF GIHON; on the west side of the city of David, to which... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 33:18

i.e. Of Judah, oft called Israel, as hath been noted before. He speaks not of that part of the canon, called the BOOK OF KINGS, for these things are not mentioned there; but of their public records, where all things were particularly mentioned, and whence the most important things were taken by the... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 33:19

Or rather, _of Hosai_, a writer so called; for when the sacred penmen make a reference, they constantly refer us to some particular book or certain author, as to _the chronicles of the kings of Israel_, or _Judah_; _to the prophecy of Ahijah_, or _Oded_, &c.... [ Continue Reading ]

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