O thou that sittest in the heavens. arise from the throne of thy glory, and come down into this place, which thou hast appointed for thy constant and fixed habitation, from which thou wilt not remove, as formerly thou hast done, from place to place. Thou and the ark, i.e. thou in the ark. Of thy strength; which is the sign and instrument of thy great power put forth from time to time on the behalf of thy people. Let thy priests, O Lord God, be clothed with salvation, i.e. let them be adorned and encompassed on every side with thy protection and benediction. For he seems rather to speak of the salvation afforded to the priests, than of that which by God's blessing on the priests labours is conferred upon the people; this being a prayer for God's blessing upon the whole community, consisting of priests and people. Let thy saints rejoice in goodness, i.e. let them have cause of rejoicing and thanksgiving for the effects of thy goodness imparted unto them.

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