Here is a remarkable maxim, a rule from which all ecclesiastical superiors ought to measure their actions: God hath given to no superiors a power for destruction of the flock, but only for edification; so as that no such can pretend to a power received from God, to do or exact any thing which may any ways hinder the salvation of the souls put under their trust; they ought to command or exact nothing, nor to do any thing, but what may probably tend to the promoting of people's faith, and holiness, and eternal salvation. This maxim the apostle puts in in a parenthesis in this verse, to sweeten what he had before spoken, concerning his readiness to revenge the disobedience of such who should appear to be stubborn and contumacious. But he tells them, he should not be ashamed if he did boast somewhat more of a just and due authority than the false apostles and teachers had, who vilifled him; for he was an apostle, and had a more immediate authority than they who were ordinary teachers.

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