Whether this phrase be the form of an oath, or a mere assertion of God's knowledge of the heart, is a point not worth the arguing. If we look upon it in the former notion, it is no profane oath, because made in the name of God; nor no vain oath, because it is used in a grave and serious matter, and for the satisfaction of those who were not very easy to believe the apostle in this matter. But I had rather take it as a solemn assertion of God's particular knowledge of the truth of his heart in what he had said. The term blessed for evermore, may either be applied to the Father, or to Jesus Christ. It is applied to the Creator, Romans 1:25, and to Jesus Christ, Romans 9:5. It is here so used, as that it is applicable either to the First or Second Person. The usage of it in these three texts, is an undeniable argument to prove the Godhead of Christ. The apostle, in these words, seemeth rather to refer to what he had said before, of his various labours and sufferings, than to that which followeth; which was but a single thing, and a danger rather than a suffering.

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