2 CORINTHIANS CHAPTER 4 2 CORINTHIANS 4:1,2 Paul declareth his
unwearied zeal and integrity in preaching the gospel, 2 CORINTHIANS
4:3 so that if any see not the truth of it, it must be owing to their
corrupt hearts, not to want of clear light. 2 CORINTHIANS 4:7 The
weakness and sufferings he was ex... [ Continue Reading ]
exposed to many sorrows and sufferings, it is not for any dishonest or
unwarrantable behaviour amongst men; nay, we have not only declined
openly dishonest actions, but any secret or hidden dishonest
behaviour. Possibly he reflecteth u... [ Continue Reading ]
The apostle calls the gospel _his gospel, _ because of his
instrumentality in the promoting and publishing of it. His meaning is:
If the doctrine of the gospel, which I am an instrument to preach, be
hidden, so as there yet be any souls that do not understand, receive,
and believe it, the fault is n... [ Continue Reading ]
Though some, by THE GOD OF THIS WORLD, understand the true and living
God, the Lord of heaven and earth; yet the notion of the most
interpreters, that it is the devil who is here called _the god of this
world, _ because he ruleth over the greatest part of the world, and
they are his servants and sla... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR WE PREACH NOT OURSELVES: for a man to preach himself, is to preach
the devices and imaginations of his own heart, instead of the revealed
will of God; to make his discourses the evomitions of his own lusts
and passions; or to make himself the end of his preaching; preaching
merely for filthy luc... [ Continue Reading ]
The Holy Ghost in the New Testament often compareth the work of the
new creation by Jesus Christ, to the work of God in the old creation;
intimating to us, that the latter is as great a work of providence and
Divine power, as the former: EPHESIANS 4:24, _the new man, after God,
_ is said to be _crea... [ Continue Reading ]
By the TREASURE here mentioned, the apostle meaneth either his
ministration, or apostolical office, which he before had proved
glorious, more glorious than that of the law; or else, that _light of
the knowledge of the glory of God, _ which (as he had before said) God
had made to shine into their hea... [ Continue Reading ]
WE ARE TROUBLED ON EVERY SIDE; we are many ways, indeed every way,
afflicted, afflicted with all sorts of afflictions; YET NOT
DISTRESSED; but yet we are not like persons cooped up into a strait
place, so as they are not able to turn them, nor know which way to
move (so the word signifies). WE ARE P... [ Continue Reading ]
PERSECUTED; violently pursued and prosecuted by such as are the
adversaries of the gospel, and enemies to our Lord Jesus, because of
our profession of him, and preaching his gospel; BUT yet NOT FORSAKEN
of God, nor wholly of men; God, by the inward influences of his Holy
Spirit, supporting, upholdin... [ Continue Reading ]
A Christian beareth about with him THE DYING OF THE LORD JESUS in his
mind and soul, while he fetches strength from it to deaden his heart
unto sin; being _buried with Christ into death, _ and _planted in the
likeness of his death; _ having his _old man crucified with him, that
the body of sin might... [ Continue Reading ]
We who are yet alive, as having breath still in our bodies; in another
sense we do not live, viz. as life signifies prosperity and happiness;
for we ARE ALWAYS DELIVERED UNTO DEATH, that is, under continual
threats and dangers of death, so that we have always the sentence of
death in ourselves; FOR... [ Continue Reading ]
You see the difference between us and you; either the real difference,
or the fancied difference. We are killed all the day long, in deaths
often, delivered to death always; you are rich, and full, and want
nothing; LIFE, that is, security, happiness, and prosperity, attends
you. Or the fancied diff... [ Continue Reading ]
THE SAME SPIRIT OF FAITH signifieth the same faith, or faith
proceeding from the same spirit; thus, ISAIAH 11:2, _the spirit of
wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit
of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord, _ signifieth wisdom,
understanding, counsel, might, knowledg... [ Continue Reading ]
Knowing that God the Father, who raised up the Lord Jesus from the
dead, as the first-fruits of them that sleep, shall likewise, by the
virtue of his resurrection, and by a power flowing from him, as now
alive, and sitting at the right hand of God, quicken our mortal
bodies; that both our souls and... [ Continue Reading ]
ALL THINGS that Christ hath done and suffered, his death, and his
resurrection from the dead, and all things that I have done or
suffered, all ARE FOR YOUR SAKES; that the greater benefit it be which
you receive from God, the greater praise, honour, and glory might
redound to him by THE THANKSGIVING... [ Continue Reading ]
Because of this double advantage which accrueth from our sufferings,
viz. the furthering of the good of your souls, and the promoting the
glory of God from the thanksgivings of many, though we suffer many
harsh and bitter things, yet we do not faint nor sink under the burden
of our trials; but thoug... [ Continue Reading ]
The apostle in these words wonderfully lesseneth his own, and the rest
of the apostles, and all other Christians sufferings for the gospel:
he calleth them LIGHT, not that they were so in themselves, but with
respect to that WEIGHT OF GLORY which he mentioneth in the latter part
of the verse: he cal... [ Continue Reading ]
Two things support the spirits of Christians under trials;
1. The eyeing of him who is invisible; this supported Moses, HEBREWS
11:27: _He endured, as seeing him who is invisible._
2. The seeing by the eye of faith the things which are invisible; the
things which God hath prepared in another world... [ Continue Reading ]