2 Kings 12:1

2 KINGS CHAPTER 12 Jehoash reigneth well all the days of Jehoiada: he giveth order for the repair of the temple, 2 KINGS 12:1. He diverteth Hazael from Jerusalem by a present of the hallowed treasures: he is slain by his servants: Amaziah suceedeth him, 2 KINGS 12:17. No text from Poole on this vers... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 12:2

To wit, for the matter of it, though not with an honest and sincere mind, but only by the influence of his good tutor and restorer, as the words here following plainly imply.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 12:3

The people were so fondly and strangely addicted to THE HIGH PLACES, that the foregoing kings, though men of riper years, and great power and courage, and finally settled in their thrones, could not take them away; and therefore it is not strange if Jehoiada could not now remove them, when the king... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 12:4

Remembering that he owed his preservation and restoration to the temple, and that he was made by God the guardian of his temple and worship, and that he had covenanted to be so, Jehoash now takes care to repair it. ALL THE MONEY OF THE DEDICATED THINGS: this may be, either, first, The general design... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 12:5

LET THE PRIESTS TAKE IT TO THEM; let them go abroad through all the parts of the land, as they have acquaintance and interest, and gather up the money, and bring it to Jerusalem. WHERESOEVER ANY BREACH SHALL BE FOUND; either through decay, or by ill accidents, or by the malice of Athaliah or her rel... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 12:6

Either because the people were generally corrupt and backward to the worship of God, especially where it cost them any thing; or because the persons employed in making the collections were negligent, or unfaithful, perverting the money received to their own uses, as may seem probable from the contra... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 12:8

Nor to take the charge of that work which the king had committed unto them, but freely to resign it to whom the king should appoint.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 12:9

JEHOIADA THE PRIEST, by the king's consent, 2 CHRONICLES 24:8. BESIDE THE ALTAR, in the priests court. OBJECT. It was placed without at the gate of the house of the Lord, 2 CHRONICLES 24:8. ANSW. Either, first, It was first placed by the altar, and afterwards thence removed to the gate of the court,... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 12:11

THEM THAT DID THE WORK, THAT HAD THE OVERSIGHT OF THE HOUSE OF THE LORD; who were chosen out of the people, not without a reflection upon the priests for their neglect or unfaithfulness.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 12:13

THERE WERE NOT MADE, to wit, until all the breaches of the house were repaired; but when that was done, they laid it out for these things, as is noted, 2 CHRONICLES 24:14.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 12:16

i.e. It was not employed towards the reparation of the house, because, as it follows, it was the priests; it was given to them for their private use and maintenance. QUEST. If this reason was weighty, how could the money of them that passed the account, or the money that every man was set at, be thu... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 12:17

THEN, i.e. in this king's days, when Jehoiada was dead, and Joash revolted from God; of which see 2 CHRONICLES 24:17 &c. _Gath_; once a city of the Philistines, but taken by David, 1 CHRONICLES 18:1, and now a part of the kingdom of Judah. SET HIS FACE, i.e. directed his march, and led his forces. O... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 12:18

TOOK ALL THE HALLOWED THINGS: that necessity of saving his kingdom and people by this means, which otherwise might seem to excuse the fact, was brought upon himself by his apostacy from God. SEE POOLE ON "1 KINGS 15:18".... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 12:20

MADE A CONSPIRACY; of which see 2 CHRONICLES 24:25. IN THE HOUSE OF MILLO; either in that strong and famous place in Jerusalem called _Millo_; of which see 2 SAMUEL 5:9 1 KINGS 9:15,24 1 KINGS 11:27; into which he possibly retired for his security, being afraid even of his own subjects and servants;... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 12:21

JOZACHAR, called also _Zabad_, 2 CHRONICLES 24:26. _Silomer_, called _Shimrith_, 2 CHRONICLES 24:26; except Shomer be the father's name, and Shimrith the mother s. WITH HIS FATHERS, i.e. in the same city, but not in the same royal sepulchre, 2 CHRONICLES 24:25.... [ Continue Reading ]

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