Jehoiada the priest, by the king's consent, 2 Chronicles 24:8. Beside the altar, in the priests court. Object. It was placed without at the gate of the house of the Lord, 2 Chronicles 24:8. Answ. Either, first, It was first placed by the altar, and afterwards thence removed to the gate of the court, for the people's greater satisfaction, that they might come thither, and put in their money with their own hands. Or, secondly, That place 2 Chron speaks of the gate of the temple strictly so called, nigh unto which the altar of burnt-offerings was. Or, thirdly, It was placed near the entrance into the priests court, which was over against the altar, and not far from it; so as the people standing in their own court might either put their money into it, or see when the priests put it in. The priests that kept the door; the door of the priests court, which, together with the temple and all its utensils, was committed to the charge of the priests and Levites, Numbers 18:4 1 Chronicles 9:26, &c.

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