2 Kings 13:1

2 KINGS CHAPTER 13 Jehoahaz king of Israel followeth the sin of Jeroboam; is oppressed by Hazael; and relieved by prayer, 2 KINGS 13:1. Joash his son suceedeth him in the kingdom, and in his idolatry, 2 KINGS 13:10. Elisha prophesieth to Joash three victories over the Syrians, and dieth: Joash's lam... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 13:4

THE LORD HEARKENED UNTO HIM; not for his sake, for God regards not the prayers of the wicked and impenitent, PSALMS 66:18 PROVERBS 1:28, PROVERBS 15:8; but for other reasons, expressed below, 2 KINGS 13:23. HE SAW, i.e. he observed it with care and compassion. THE OPPRESSION OF ISRAEL; his chosen an... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 13:5

A saviour; either Elisha, below, 2 KINGS 13:14; or rather, Jehoash, the son of this Jehoahaz, below, 2 KINGS 13:25, and Jeroboam his son, 2 KINGS 14:25. IN THEIR TENTS, AS BEFORETIME; in peace and security, not only in their strong cities, but even in their tents in the fields.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 13:7

NEITHER DID HE, i.e. the king of Syria, 2 KINGS 13:4, with which this verse is to be joined; 2 KINGS 13:5,6 being put within a parenthesis, as it is in our translation. But this verse may be translated otherwise, _Although he_ (either the king of Syria, 2 KINGS 13:4, or the Lord, 2 KINGS 13:5, to wh... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 13:8

HIS MIGHT; for though his success was not good, he showed much personal valour and courage; which is noted to intimate that the Israelites were not conquered, because of the baseness and cowardice of their king, but merely from the righteous and dreadful judgment of God, who was now resolved to reck... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 13:10

By which, compared with 2 KINGS 13:1, it may be gathered that Jehoahaz had two or three years before his death made his son Jehoash king with him; which is very probable, because he was perpetually in the state of war, and consequently in danger of an untimely death, and because he was a man of valo... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 13:14

WEPT OVER HIS FACE; not for any true love and respect to him, for then he would have followed his counsel, in forsaking the calves, and returning to the Lord; but for his own and the kingdom's inestimable loss in him. THE CHARIOT OF ISRAEL, AND THE HORSEMEN THEREOF: see 2 KINGS 2:12.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 13:17

EASTWARD; either towards Syria, which lay north-eastward from the land of Israel; or towards the Israelites land beyond Jordan, which lay eastward from Canaan, and which was now possessed by the Syrians. Either way this arrow is shot against the Syrians, as a token what God intended to do against th... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 13:19

QUEST. Wherein was Jehoash's fault, or why was the prophet angry with him? ANSW. The prophet himself did not yet know how many victories Jehoash should obtain against the Syrians, but God had signified to him that he should learn that by the number of the king's strokes. And he was angry with him, n... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 13:21

AS THEY WERE BURYING, or, were about to bury, as that particle is oft used in the Hebrew tongue. THEY SPIED A BAND OF MEN coming towards them, but at some distance. THEY CAST THE MAN INTO THE SEPULCHRE OF ELISHA; not daring to carry the dead corpse further to the place appointed for his burial, they... [ Continue Reading ]

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