Of Edom, i.e. of the Edomites, or the children of Seir, as they are called, 2 Chronicles 25:11; either because they dwelt in Seir; see Genesis 36:8; or because these people were confederates. And he invaded these people because they were subjects to his kingdom, from which they had revolted in Joram's days, 2 Kings 8:20. The valley of salt; which was the land of Edom; of which see 2 Samuel 8:13 Psalms 60:1. Selah, or, the rock; the chief city of that part of Arabia, called by other authors Petra, which signifies a rock, because it was built upon a rock, 2 Chronicles 25:12. Joktheel, which signifies the obedience of God, i.e. given him by God as a reward of his obedience to God's message by the prophet, 2 Chronicles 25:8,9.

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