2 KINGS CHAPTER 20 Hezekiah receiving a message of death, by prayer
hath his life lengthened; for a sign the sun goeth backward, 2 KINGS
20:1. The king of Babylon's ambassadors come to Hezekiah with letters
and a present; he showeth them all his treasures, 2 KINGS 20:12;
whereupon Isaiah foretelleth... [ Continue Reading ]
HE TURNED HIS FACE TO THE WALL; either because the temple lay that
way; or rather, that by turning his face from the company he might
intimate his desire of privacy, and so might with more freedom and
fervency pour out his soul to God.... [ Continue Reading ]
IN TRUTH, i.e. sincerely, with an honest mind, as the following words
explain it. I have in some measure (human frailty excepted) kept the
condition which thou didst require, 1 KINGS 8:25, and therefore do
humbly beg of thee that the promise made to David and to his posterity
upon that condition may... [ Continue Reading ]
INTO THE MIDDLE COURT, to wit, of the king's palace; of which SEE
POOLE ON "1 KINGS 7:8". Or, _into the middle city_, as it is in the
Hebrew. For some observe that there were three cities, or three parts
of this city; one called _the city of David in Zion_; another called
_Jebus_, or _Salem_; and a... [ Continue Reading ]
THE GOD OF DAVID THY FATHER; I am mindful of my promise made to David
and his house, and will make it good in thy person. ON THE THIRD DAY;
which shows that the cure was miraculous. THOU SHALT GO UP UNTO THE
HOUSE OF THE LORD, to give me solemn praise for this mercy; which
proves the perfection of t... [ Continue Reading ]
FIFTEEN YEARS beyond what thou dost expect, and beyond what thou
wouldst do if I should leave thee to the force of thy disease. OUT OF
THE HAND OF THE KING OF ASSYRIA; this is added, either, first, Because
he might otherwise fear the Assyrian's return to this city, from which
he was so shamefully re... [ Continue Reading ]
TAKE A LUMP OF FIGS: though the deliverance was certainly promised,
yet means must be used, and those suitable; for this hath naturally a
power of ripening and softening boils or sores, though that power was
altogether insufficient to produce so sudden and so complete a cure.
The boil seems to have... [ Continue Reading ]
HEZEKIAH SAID; or rather, _had said_; for it is evident this was said
before his recovery, though his recovery be mentioned before it; such
transpositions being frequent in Scripture. WHAT SHALL BE THE SIGN? he
asketh a sign, not because he distrusted it, but for the strengthening
of his faith, whic... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
TO GO DOWN TEN DEGREES, to wit, in an instant; for that course or
motion of the sun is natural for the kind of it, though miraculous for
the swiftness of it; but the other would be both ways miraculous.... [ Continue Reading ]
ISAIAH CRIED UNTO THE LORD; being moved by God's Spirit first to offer
him this sign, and then to pray for it. TEN DEGREES BACKWARD. QUEST.
1. What were these degrees? ANSW. Lines in the dial; but whether each
of these lines or degrees noted an hour, or half an hour, or a quarter
of an hour, is unc... [ Continue Reading ]
BERODACH-BALADAN, called _Merodach-baladan_, ISAIAH 39:1, whose name
Josephus found in that famous Chaldean historian, Berosus. He seems to
have been the king of Assyria's viceroy in Babylon; and upon that
terrible slaughter of one hundred and eighty-five thousand in the
Assyrian host, and the death... [ Continue Reading ]
HEARKENED UNTO THEM, i.e. granted their desires of a league and amity
with them. THE SILVER AND THE GOLD, & c.; for though his country had
lately been harassed by the Assyrians, yet he had reserved all his
treasures and precious things which he and his fathers had gathered in
Jerusalem. Besides, he... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY ARE COME FROM A FAR COUNTRY; a vain-glorious expression,
intimating the great honour which he had from all parts, both far and
near. EVEN FROM BABYLON, that great and potent monarchy; which he
speaks to magnify his own honour and happiness.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHAT HAVE THEY SEEN IN THINE HOUSE? he asketh, not that he was
ignorant of it, but that from his answer he might take the occasion of
delivering God's message to him.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
This judgment is denounced against him for his pride, which God
exceedingly abhors; and for his ingratitude, whereby he took that
honour to himself which he should have given entirely to God, and
abused God's gifts and favours to the gratification of his own lusts;
of both which see 2 CHRONICLES 32:... [ Continue Reading ]
WHICH THOU SHALT BEGET, i.e. of thy grandchildren, who are oft called
sons. They shall be servants to that heathen monarch, whereby both
their bodies will be subject to slavery, and the lusts of their lords,
and their souls exposed to the peril of idolatry, and all sorts of
wickedness; which must ne... [ Continue Reading ]
GOOD IS THE WORD OF THE LORD: I heartily submit to this sentence, as
being both just, because deserved and procured by mine and my people's
sins; and merciful, because the punishment is less than I have
speaks not as if he were carele... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]