2 Kings 24:1

2 KINGS CHAPTER 24 Jehoiakim, first subdued by Nebuchadnezzar, rebelleth against him to his own ruin: Jehoiachin his son is king in his stead, 2 KINGS 24:1. His evil reign: Jerusalem spoiled and made captive by the king of Babylon, 2 KINGS 24:8. He maketh Zedekiah king: he reigneth ill, unto the utt... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 24:2

Nebuchadnezzar's army was made up of several nations, who were willing to fight under the banner of such a puissant and victorious emperor.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 24:3

FOR THE SINS OF MANASSEH; properly and directly for their own sins, and occasionally for the sins of Manasseh, which had never been charged upon them, if they had not made them their own by their impenitency for them, and repetition of them.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 24:4

FOR THE INNOCENT BLOOD, to wit, of those prophets and saints who either reproved or would not comply with his idolatrous worship.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 24:6

JEHOIACHIN, called also _Jeconiah_, 1 CHRONICLES 3:16, (as Jehoiakim also was, by comparing this with MATTHEW 1:11) and, in way of contempt, CONIAH, JEREMIAH 22:24.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 24:7

THE KING OF EGYPT CAME NOT AGAIN, to wit, in this king's days; nor until Zedekiah's time, JEREMIAH 37:6,7; nor to any purpose. He could not now come out to protect the king of Judah, being scarce able to defend his own kingdom.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 24:8

JEHOIACHIN WAS EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD WHEN HE BEGAN TO REIGN. OBJECT. He was then but eight years old, 2 CHRONICLES 36:9. ANSW. 1. Both are true; in his eighth year he began to reign with his father, who made him king with him, as divers other kings of Israel and Judah had done in the like times of tro... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 24:10

Either, 1. Because the people had made Jehoiachin king without his consent. Or, 2. Because he had some notice, or at least a suspicion, of his intentions to rebel against him, and to join with Egypt against him, as Zedekiah his successor did. But whatsoever was the second and immediate cause of it... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 24:12

WENT OUT TO THE KING OF BABYLON, i.e. yielded up himself and the city into his hands; and this by the counsel of Jeremiah, and to his own good. OF HIS REIGN, i.e. of Nebuchadnezzar's reign; as appears by comparing this with JEREMIAH 25:8, and because Jehoiachin reigned not half a year.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 24:13

CUT IN PIECES; or rather, took away, as this word elsewhere signifies; or _cut off_, to wit, from the temple. For why should they cut in pieces those vessels which might conveniently be carried away? And that they were not cut in pieces, but reserved whole, is manifest front EZRA 1:7 DANIEL 5:2,3. A... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 24:14

ALL JERUSALEM, i.e. the inhabitants of Jerusalem; not simply _all_, but the best and most considerable part, as the following words explain and restrain it. TEN THOUSAND CAPTIVES; which are more particularly reckoned up, 2 KINGS 24:16, where there are seven thousand mighty men, and a thousand smiths... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 24:17

That he might admonish him of (what this name signifies) THE JUSTICE OF GOD, which had so severely punished Jehoiakim for his rebellion; and would no less certainly overtake him, if he should be guilty of the same rebellion and perfidiousness of which his predecessor was guilty.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 24:20

Thus the people's sins were the true cause why God gave them wicked kings, whom he suffered to do wickedly, that they might bring the long deserved and threatened punishments upon themselves and their people.... [ Continue Reading ]

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