2 Kings 25:1

2 KINGS CHAPTER 25 Jerusalem is besieged: Zedekiah taken; his sons slain; and his eyes put out, 2 KINGS 25:1. Nebuzar-adan burneth Jerusalem and the temple; breaketh down the wall of the city; carrieth the remnant, except a few poor labourers, into captivity, and much treasure, 2 KINGS 25:8; slayeth... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 25:3

THE FOURTH MONTH; which word is easily understood, by comparing this and the first verse, and JEREMIAH 39:2, JEREMIAH 52:6, where it is expressed. FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE LAND, i.e. for the common sort of people, who flocked thither from all parts, upon the approach of the Babylonian army; but only fo... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 25:4

THE CITY WAS BROKEN UP by the Chaldeans, who broke and entered the gate, JEREMIAH 39:3. THE MEN OF WAR FLED; which word is fitly supplied out of the parallel place, JEREMIAH 39:4, or out of the following verb, _went away_. BETWEEN TWO WALLS; between the outward and inward wall of the city, by a priv... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 25:6

TO RIBLAH; of which SEE POOLE ON "2 KINGS 23:33", and SEE POOLE ON "2 KINGS 25:21", where Nebuchadnezzar staid, that he might both supply the besiegers with more men, and military provisions, as their occasions required; and have an eye to Chaldea, to prevent or suppress any commotions which might h... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 25:7

Thus two prophecies were fulfilled, which seemed contrary one to the other, _that he should go to Babylon_, JEREMIAH 32:5, JEREMIAH 34:3, and that _he should never see Babylon_; which seeming contradiction, because Zedekiah the false prophet could not reconcile, he concluded both were false, and tha... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 25:8

ON THE SEVENTH DAY OF THE MONTH. QUEST. How doth this agree with JEREMIAH 52:12, where he is said to come thither on the tenth day? ANSW. Either he came to Jerusalem on the seventh day, and burnt the temple on the tenth day; or this sacred writer speaks of the day of his departure from Riblah toward... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 25:11

THE PEOPLE THAT WERE LEFT IN THE CITY, whom neither the sword nor famine had destroyed, who were eight hundred and thirty-two persons, JEREMIAH 52:29, being members and traders of that city; for it is likely that there were very many more of the country people who were fled thither, who were left wi... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 25:18

SERAIAH THE CHIEF PRIEST; the high priest, grandson of that Hilkiah, of whom 2 KINGS 22:4, and father of Jehozadak, who, as it seems, was taken with his father; and when his father was slain, 2 KINGS 25:21, he was carried away to Babylon, as it is noted, 1 CHRONICLES 6:14,15. ZEPHANIAH THE SECOND PR... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 25:19

OF THEM THAT WERE IN THE KING'S PRESENCE, i.e. of them who constantly attended upon the king's person: see 1 KINGS 10:8 ESTHER 1:14. OBJECT. These were _seven_, JEREMIAH 52:25. ANSW. Either five were first taken, and two after them; or two of the seven were of an inferior rank, who therefore are her... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 25:23

THE CAPTAINS OF THE ARMIES, which escaped away when Zedekiah was taken. SEE POOLE ON "2 KINGS 25:4", SEE POOLE ON "2 KINGS 25:5".... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 25:24

SWARE TO THEM, AND TO THEIR MEN; assured them by his promise and oath, that they, doing what he required, should be kept from the evils which they feared. This he might safely swear, because he had not only the king of Babylon's promise and interest too, but also God's promise, for their indemnity,... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 25:25

THE SEED ROYAL; and therefore moved with envy, to see so mean a person advanced into their place. See this history more fully described, JER 41. TEN MEN, to wit, ten captains or officers, and under each of them many soldiers; otherwise the attempt was ridiculous.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 25:27

ON THE SEVEN AND TWENTIETH DAY; or, on the twenty-fifth day, as it is JEREMIAH 52:31; for then the decree was made, which was executed upon the twenty-seventh day.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 25:28

It seems, though the power of these kings was taken away, yet some honour and respect was given to them, even in the place of their captivity, and to Jehoiachin more than to any of the rest.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 25:29

i.e. In his presence, and at his table, the following allowance being given to him for the maintenance of his family and royal dignity. Compare 2 SAMUEL 9:10.... [ Continue Reading ]

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