2 KINGS CHAPTER 4 Elisha multiplieth the widow's oil, 2 Kings 4:1. He is lodged by a Shunammite woman, who is barren: he promiseth her a son; which is born, 2 Kings 4:8; dieth, and is raised by Elisha, 2 Kings 4:18. At Gilgal he healeth the deadly pottage, 2 Kings 4:38; and feedeth one hundred men with twenty loaves and ears of corn, 2 Kings 4:42. The sons of the prophets, though they were wholly devoted to sacred employment, were not excluded from marriage, no more than the priests and Levites. Thy servant did fear the Lord; his poverty therefore was not procured by his idleness, or prodigality, or rather, wickedness; but by his piety, because he would not comply with the king's way of worship, and therefore lost all worldly advantages. To be bond-men; either to use them as his slaves, or to sell them to others, according to the law; of which see Exodus 21:2 Leviticus 25:39 Isaiah 1:1 Matthew 18:25.

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