2 Kings 7:1

2 KINGS CHAPTER 7 Elisha prophesieth incredible plenty in Samaria; and the death of a great lord, who would not believe the prophecy, 2 KINGS 7:1,2. Four lepers visit the camp of the Syrians, and bring tidings of their flight, being hasted away by God, 2 KINGS 7:3. The king sendeth spies, who confir... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 7:2

ON WHOSE HAND THE KING LEANED, when he walked. See 2 KINGS 5:18. IF THE LORD WOULD MAKE WINDOWS, through which he could rain down corn, as once he did manna. SHALT SEE IT WITH THINE EYES, BUT SHALT NOT EAT THEREOF; a just punishment for such peremptory unbelief, whereby he made not only the prophet,... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 7:3

AT THE ENTERING IN OF THE GATE, to wit, of the city, out of which they were shut by virtue of God's law, LEVITICUS 13:46, LEVITICUS 14:3 either the the dwelling place of the lepers was near the gate, or they were come very near to the gate, for fear of the Syrians.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 7:6

TO HEAR A NOISE; either in the air; or rather, in their ears; otherwise the Samaritans had heard it. THE HITTITES under which name (as elsewhere under the name of the Amorites) he seems to understand all or any of the people of Canaan. For though the greatest number of that people were destroyed, ye... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 7:7

To save their lives; which they fancied to be in such present and extreme danger, that they durst not stay to take away any of their goods, but every man fled the next way before him.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 7:9

WE DO NOT WELL; not well for our brethren, whom we should pity, and help; nor well for ourselves; for we may suffer for this neglect; either from the Syrians, who may lie lurking hereabouts; or from our king and people; or from God's immediate hand.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 7:13

So the sense is, We may well venture these horses, though we have no more, because both they and we are ready to perish through hunger; and therefore let us use them whilst we may for our common good, or to make the discovery. But the repetition of the phrase seems to imply something more emphatical... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 7:14

TWO CHARIOT HORSES, or, _two chariots of horses_; or rather, _two chariot horses_, as divers render the words, i.e. horses which belonged to the king's chariots. For single horses seem much more proper for this service than chariots and horses. And whereas it was moved by the king's servant, that al... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 7:17

TO HAVE THE CHARGE OF THE GATE; partly to prevent tumults and disorders and mischiefs amongst the people; and partly to take order about the shutting of the gates, if need were, and if the Syrians should happen to return upon them.... [ Continue Reading ]

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