2 KINGS CHAPTER 8 The Shunammite having, by Elisha's advice, left the land because of the famine, returneth home; and hath her whole estate restored to her for Elisha's sake, 2 Kings 8:1. He cometh to Damascus. Ben-hadad is sick, and sendeth Hazael to him with presents. Elisha foretelleth Ben-hadad's violent death, and Hazael's cruel reign, with tears. Hazael's answer: he killeth his master, and succeedeth him, 2 Kings 8:7. Jehoram's wicked reign in Judah: Edom and Libnah revolt, 2 Kings 8:16. He dieth, and Ahaziah his son succeedeth him: his wicked reign: he entertaineth friendship with Joram king of Israel, 2 Kings 8:24. Then: this particle of time may be understood either particularly and definitely of the time next following the former history, or more generally and indefinitely (as it is frequently used) of the time in which Elisha and this Shunammitish woman lived. Possibly this might happen before the history of Naaman, 2Ki 5, or at least before the siege of Samaria, 2Ki 6; but this is not certain. Unto the woman; expressing his gratitude for her former kindnesses, by taking special care for her preservation. Wheresoever thou canst sojourn; in any convenient place out of the land of Israel. Hath called for a famine, i.e. hath appointed to bring a famine, or a great scarcity of provisions. This expression intimates that all afflictions are sent by God, and come at his call or command. Seven years; a double time to the former famine under Elijah, James 5:17, which is but just and reasonable, because they were still obstinate and incorrigible under all the severe and succeeding judgments of God, and under the powerful ministry of Elisha, who confirmed his doctrine by glorious miracles. See Leviticus 26:21,24,28.

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