Joram had kept Ramoth-gilead; which interpreters conclude to have been taken by Joram before this time, though the taking of it be not mentioned. This they gather, first, from the mention of the inner chamber, 2 Kings 9:2, and of the top of the stairs here; secondly, from 2 Kings 9:15, Let none go forth out of the city. But these arguments seem not to be cogent. Not the former, because there might be some suburbs or outbuildings belonging to the city, or not far from it, which the Israelite might have in their possession. Nor the latter, as we shall there see. And if it was taken, why should all Israel be there to keep it, for which a strong garrison was sufficient? The words therefore may be otherwise rendered, exactly according to the Hebrew, Joram had kept, or did keep, (to wit, by his army left there,) or put guards, or laid siege at, or to, (for so the particle beth is oft used,) Ramoth-gilead. And therefore he had all Israel, i.e. all the military force of Israel, with him, that he might both maintain the siege, and withal oppose Hazael, who sought to relieve it.

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