By the way of the garden-house; by some secret way, hoping to escape whilst they were busy about Joram. Smite him also, as you have done Joram; for he also is of the house of Ahab, 2 Kings 8:18. They did so; they smote or wounded him, but not mortally; either supposing that the wound was mortal; or being more remiss in executing Jehu's sentence against him, because they were not so much concerned in his as in Joram's design; or because they had some kindness for him, either for his own or for Jehoshaphat's sake. He fled to Megiddo, and died there. Quest. How doth this agree with 2 Chronicles 22:9, He sought Ahaziah: and they caught him, for he was hid in Samaria, and brought him to Jehu: and when they had slain him, &c. Answ. Either, first, Samaria is there to be understood, not of the city, but of the kingdom or territory so called, 1 Kings 13:32, and elsewhere, in which Megiddo was; and so that may be noted to show that he could not flee into his own kingdom, where he might have been safe; but was forced to take up in another part of the kingdom of Israel, in the territory of Samaria, and there to hide himself. Or, secondly, If Samaria be the city, then the history is briefly and imperfectly described here, and the defects supplied there; (the Book of Chronicles being in great part written for that end, to supply things omitted in the Book of Kings;) and out of both the history may be thus completed: He fled first to Megiddo, and thence to Samaria, where he was caught, and thence brought to Jehu, and by his sentence was put to death at Megiddo, either because Jehu was there at that time upon some occasion, or for some other reason, which at this distance of time we cannot understand.

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