2 Peter 3:1

2 PETER CHAPTER 3 2 PETER 3:1 The apostle declareth it to be the design of both his Epistles to remind the brethren of Christ's coming to judgment, in opposition to scoffers. 2 PETER 3:8,9 No argument can be drawn against it from the delay, which is designed to leave men room for repentance. 2 PETER... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:2

THE WORDS WHICH WERE SPOKEN BEFORE BY THE HOLY PROPHETS; the _word of prophecy,_ 2 PETER 1:19: he joins the prophets and apostles together, as concurring in their doctrine, and so useth it as an argument to persuade them to constancy in the faith of the gospel, that what the apostles preached to the... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:3

KNOWING THIS FIRST; especially, as being very necessary to be known. The apostle having in the former chapter cautioned these saints against the more close enemies of the gospel, seducers and false teachers, here he foretells them of more open enemies, profane scoffers. IN THE LAST DAYS: see 1 CORIN... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:4

AND SAYING, WHERE IS THE PROMISE? Questioning or denying the great truths of the gospel, thereby to encourage themselves in walking after their own lusts. OF HIS COMING; viz. Christ s, mentioned 2 PETER 3:2. Possibly these scoffers might drop the name of Christ by way of contempt, not vouchsafing to... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:5

FOR THIS THEY WILLINGLY ARE IGNORANT OF; they will not know what they ought to know, and, if they would search the Scripture, might know. THAT BY THE WORD OF GOD; the command of God, or _word of his power, _ as it is called, HEBREWS 1:3: see GENESIS 1:6,9 PSA 33:6 148:5. THE HEAVENS WERE; were creat... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:6

WHEREBY; by which heavens and water, mentioned in the former verse, the fountains of the great deep being broken up, and the windows of heaven opened, GENESIS 7:11. Or, by the word of God, as the principal cause, and the water as the instrumental, which, at his command, was poured out upon the earth... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:7

THE HEAVENS; the ethereal, or starry heaven, as well as aerial; for, 2 PETER 3:10,12, he distinguisheth the heavens that are to perish by fire, from the elements; and 2 PETER 3:13, he opposeth a new heaven to that heaven which is to be consumed; but the new heaven is not meant merely of the aerial h... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:8

BE NOT IGNORANT OF THIS ONE THING; i.e. be sure of it: the same word is here used as 2 PETER 3:5; and so he cautions them against the ignorance of scoffers, and to prevent it, would have them certainly know _this one thing, _ which is extant in the Scripture, which foretells Christ's coming. THAT ON... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:9

THE LORD IS NOT SLACK CONCERNING HIS PROMISE; i.e. doth not defer the fulfilling of it beyond the appointed time, ISAIAH 60:22. AS SOME MEN COUNT SLACKNESS; either the scoffers here mentioned, who, because of Christ's not yet coming, questioned whether he would come at all, as if God had changed his... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:10

BUT THE DAY OF THE LORD; the day of judgment is here called _the day of the Lord_ by way of eminence, as _the great day,_ JUDGES 1:6, and the _great day of God Almighty,_ REVELATION 16:14, and _the day of the Lord Jesus,_ 1 CORINTHIANS 1:8, 1 CORINTHIANS 5:5 2 CORINTHIANS 1:14 PHILIPPIANS 1:6,10. WI... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:11

SEEING THEN THAT ALL THESE THINGS SHALL BE DISSOLVED; seeing the coming of the Lord will be so terrible, as to bring with it the consumption of the world, and the destruction of these things here below, upon which we are so apt to set our affections. WHAT MANNER OF PERSONS OUGHT YE TO BE; how pruden... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:12

LOOKING FOR; patiently waiting for, and expecting. AND HASTING UNTO; by fervent desire of it, and diligent preparation for it. THE COMING OF THE DAY OF GOD; the day of the Lord, 2 PETER 3:10.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:13

NEVERTHELESS WE, ACCORDING TO HIS PROMISE: see ISAIAH 65:17 ISAIAH 66:22 REVELATION 21:1,27, to which this text seems to refer, speak of a new state of the church here in the world, yet by way of allusion to the renovation of the world, which is ultimately there promised, and the perpetuity of the g... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:14

SUCH THINGS; Christ's coming to judgment; the destruction of this world; a new heaven and a new earth, in which dwells righteousness. OF HIM; Christ the Judge. IN PEACE; at peace with God, from whence proceeds peace of conscience, and an amicable, peaceable disposition toward others; all which may h... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:15

AND ACCOUNT; reckon with yourselves, and be confidently persuaded; or take for granted. THE LONGSUFFERING OF OUR LORD; viz. in his not yet coming to judgment, and bearing with so much sin in the world without presently punishing it. IS SALVATION; i.e. tends or conduceth to salvation, in that hereby... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:16

AS ALSO IN ALL HIS EPISTLES; to make the sense complete, we must supply here from the former verse, _he hath written._ SPEAKING IN THEM OF THESE THINGS; viz. concerning the second coming of Christ, and end of the world, the patience that should be exercised in waiting for it; about avoiding scoffers... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:17

SEEING YE KNOW THESE THINGS, which I have been now writing to you of, viz. That the Judge will certainly come; or, that heretics, deceivers, and scoffers will come; or both may be comprehended. BEWARE LEST YE ALSO; as well as others have been. FALL FROM YOUR OWN STEDFASTNESS; the stedfastness of you... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:18

BUT GROW IN GRACE; in all those spiritual gifts ye have received from Christ, especially sanctifying. AND IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST; in faith, whereby ye are sanctified, and made partakers of that grace. TO HIM BE GLORY BOTH NOW AND FOR EVER; which belongs only to God; and... [ Continue Reading ]

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