2 Samuel 17:1

2 SAMUEL CHAPTER 17 Hushai, David's friend, being, by David's order, gone over to Absalom, by God's appointment overthroweth Ahithophel's counsel, 2 SAMUEL 17:1. Hushai certifieth David thereof, and adviseth him forthwith to march on, 2 SAMUEL 17:15. David passeth over Jordan, 2 SAMUEL 17:22. Ahitho... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 17:2

WEARY AND WEAK-HANDED; tired with a tedious march on foot, and destitute of men and military provisions; and disheartened by his own small numbers, and by the general defection of his subjects.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 17:3

THE MAN WHOM THOU SEEKEST IS AS IF ALL RETURNED, i. e. the death of that man whom thou seekest to destroy is no less considerable to thee, than if all the people that follow him should desert him and return unto thee.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 17:5

A wonderful effect of Divine Providence, blinding his mind, and influencing his heart, that he could not rest in Ahithophel's counsel, though it was so evidently wise, and good, and approved by the general consent of his whole party; and that he should desire Hushai's advice, though neither his repu... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 17:7

Though at other times he generally gives most wise and admirable counsel; yet, as he is a man, he seems now to be under a mistake, and not sufficiently to consider all the present circumstances of this business.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 17:8

MIGHTY MEN; of approved courage and strength, therefore not so soon vanquished as Ahithophel supposeth. CHAFED IN THEIR MINDS, Heb. _bitter of soul_, inflamed with rage; desperate, and therefore resolved to sell their lives at a dear rate. A MAN OF WAR; a wise prince and general; who knowing of what... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 17:9

HE IS HID NOW IN SOME PIT, OR IN SOME OTHER PLACE; having been oft accustomed to that course, and well acquainted with all hidingplaces from Saul's time. In one of them, unknown to us, he will lurk with some of his chosen men, and lie in ambush for us; and when they see a fit opportunity, they will... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 17:10

The known fame of the prodigious valour of David and his followers will easily gain credit to that report, and strike the stoutest of our men with dread, even Ahithophel himself, if he should go with them.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 17:11

His pretence was, that they might have a far greater army, and make sure though slow work; his design was to gain David more time, that he might increase his army, and make better provisions for the battle; and that the present heat of the people might be cooled, and they might at last bethink thems... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 17:13

THEN SHALL ALL ISRAEL BRING ROPES TO THAT CITY; not that they should do so, or that it was the custom to do so; but it is an hyperbolical and thrasonical expression, suited to the vain-glorious temper of this insolent young man; and therefore most likely to prevail with him; implying that they would... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 17:14

ABSALOM AND ALL THE MEN OF ISRAEL were infatuated by a Divine power, and given up to believe lies and mistakes. THE LORD HAD APPOINTED TO DEFEAT THE GOOD COUNSEL; so it was, politically considered; being the wisest and most effectual course to accomplish Absalom's end.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 17:16

LODGE NOT THIS NIGHT IN THE PLAINS OF THE WILDERNESS, lest the king's and people's minds change, and Ahithophel, by his deep wit and great interest, persuade the king to follow his former advice, and to pursue you speedily.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 17:17

EN-ROGEL, or, _the fuller's well_; a place near Jerusalem, JOSHUA 15:7, JOSHUA 18:16. A WENCH WENT AND TOLD THEM; pretending to go thither to wash some clothes,... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 17:18

A LAD SAW THEM, who knew them to be favourers of David, and observed them to wait there upon design, and to gain intelligence, and possibly saw the wench speaking privately to them. THEY WENT BOTH OF THEM AWAY QUICKLY; suspecting by this lad's observation and carriage that they were discovered. WITH... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 17:20

OVER THE BROOK OF WATER, i.e. over Jordan. This was a manifest lie; but because it was spoken for no hurt, but good only, many persons in those times conceived such lies to be lawful. Compare EXODUS 1:19 JOSHUA 2:4,5. But although God was pleased to overlook and pardon the sin, and graciously to rew... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 17:23

Put his household in order; disposed of his estate by will. Compare ISAIAH 38:1. HANGED HIMSELF; partly because he could not endure to outlive his disgrace, and the rejection of his counsel; and partly because he foresaw by this means David would gain time and strength, and in all probability be vic... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 17:24

MAHANAIM; a place in the country of Gilead, bordering upon the land of the Ammonites, 2 SAMUEL 17:27. See GENESIS 32:2 2 SAMUEL 2:8. ABSALOM PASSED OVER JORDAN; not speedily, but when all the men of Israel were gathered together according to Hushai's counsel, who are said to be with him here, as it... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 17:25

ITHRA AN ISRAELITE. OBJECT. He was an Ishmaelite, 1 CHRONICLES 2:17. _Answ_. Not Amasa; but Ithra, or Jether, Amasa's father, is there so called, because he was such, either by his birth from such parents, or by his long habitation among them, or for some other reason now unknown. Compare 2 SAMUEL 1... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 17:27

SHOBI, as it may seem, disliked and disowned that barbarous action to the ambassadors; and therefore, when the rest were destroyed, was left king or governor of the residue of the Ammonites. MACHIR THE SON OF AMMIEL OF LODEBAR. See above, 2 SAMUEL 9:4.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 17:29

i.e. Having been IN THE WILDERNESS; which is an easy and common ellipsis. Or, because of (so the Hebrew particle _beth_ is oft used) _the wilderness_, which they have passed through, in which provisions are very scarce.... [ Continue Reading ]

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