2 SAMUEL CHAPTER 20 By occasion of this quarrel Sheba stirreth up Israel to sedition, 2 Samuel 20:1,2. David's ten concubines are shut up in perpetual prison, 2 Samuel 20:3. Amasa is slain by Joab, 2 Samuel 20:4. He and Abishai pursue Sheba unto Abel, 2 Samuel 20:11. The citizens, by the advice of a wise woman, cut off his head, and cast it over the wall to Joab, 2 Samuel 20:16. David's officers, 2 Samuel 20:23. There happened to be there; his presence was casual in itself, though certain, and ordered by God's providence. Man of Belial; a lawless person, one that attempted to shake off the yoke of civil authority. See Deuteronomy 13:13. Benjamite; aggrieved at the translation of the kingdom from Saul and that tribe to David. We have no part in David: the tribe of Judah have monopolized the king to themselves, and will not allow us any share in him; let them therefore enjoy him alone, and let us seek out a new king. The son of Jesse; an expression of contempt, implying their rejection of him, that he was no more to be owned as their king, but as a private person, as the son of Jesse. Every man to his tents; let us all desist from this unthankful office of bringing the king back, and go each to our homes, that we may consider, and then meet together to choose a new king.

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