A dog's head, i.e. a vile and contemptible creature, as a dog was. See Deuteronomy 23:18 1 Samuel 24:14 2 Samuel 9:8, 2 Samuel 16:9 Job 30:1 Ecclesiastes 9:4. And a dog's head is put for a dog by a synecdoche, usual both in the Hebrew and in other languages, as the head is oft put for the whole man in the Latin tongue. Which against Judah; so the particle lamed is well rendered, as el, which among the Hebrews is confessedly of the same nature and use, is used Ecclesiastes 9:14 Jeremiah 34:7 Ezekiel 13:9,20 Am 7:15. Have not delivered thee into the hand of David, which I could oft and easily have done. That thou chargest me to-day with a fault concerning this woman; either, that thou accusest me falsely concerning this matter; or, that thou canst not wink at so small a fault (for so he esteemed it) as conversation with this woman, who, whatsoever she formerly was, is now so impotent and inconsiderable, that she can do thee no service, as I have done.

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