2 Samuel 5:1

2 SAMUEL CHAPTER 5 The tribes come to Hebron to anoint David king over all Israel: the years of his reign at Hebron and Jerusalem: his age, 2 SAMUEL 5:1. He taketh the strong hold of Zion from the Jebusites, and dwelleth there, 2 SAMUEL 5:6. Hiram maketh a league with David, and sendeth wood and wor... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 5:2

Thou wast our chief commander in our expeditions against the Philistines, and therefore art most fit to be king over us. THE LORD SAID TO THEE, to wit, by Samuel, 1 SAMUEL 16:11; for though the words vary, yet the sense is the same. THOU SHALT FEED MY PEOPLE ISRAEL i.e. rule them, and take care of t... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 5:3

KING DAVID MADE A LEAGUE WITH THEM; whereby he obliged himself to rule them according to God's laws; and the people promised fidelity and obedience to him. BEFORE THE LORD; either, 1. Before the ark, which might be here, though that be not mentioned in this place. Or, 2. Before the priest clothed... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 5:6

Having the advantage of so great a confluence of his people to make him king, he thought fit to begin his reign with some eminent action, and to lead them forth in this expedition; wherein doubtless he asked advice from God, and the consent of the elders now present. TO JERUSALEM; as the place which... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 5:7

THE STRONG HOLD OF ZION; either, 1. A very strong fort which fitly had built upon Mount Zion; which being taken, the city quickly yielded. Or, 2. The city of Zion, which was very strongly fortified.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 5:8

WHOSOEVER GETTETH UP TO THE GUTTER, i.e. whosoever scaleth the fort, or getteth up to the top of it, where the gutter was. AND THE LAME AND THE BLIND, or _even_, or _especially_ (for the Hebrew particle _vau_ signifies both ways) _the lame and the blind_; i.e. those of them who are set to defend tha... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 5:9

Millo seems to have been some large and well fortified building, JUDGES 9:6 2 CHRONICLES 32:5, adjoining or near to the wall of the city of Zion.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 5:11

For Lebanon, which was famous for its cedars, was a great part of it in his dominion. For the Tyrians were excellent artists and workmen, as both sacred and profane writers agree.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 5:13

This may well be reckoned amongst David's miscarriages, the multiplication of wives being expressly forbidden to the king, DEUTERONOMY 17:17. The use of it seems to have been his policy, that hereby he might enlarge his family, and strengthen his interest by alliances with so many considerable famil... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 5:17

Whilst the civil war lasted between the houses of Saul and David, they wisely forbore all hostilities, and left them to tear out one another's bowels, that afterwards they might make a more easy conquest of both; but that being ended, and all united under David, they bestir themselves. TO SEEK DAVID... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 5:18

Or, _of the giants_; which lay westward from Jerusalem, and so was the ready way to Jerusalem, which it seems they designed to take.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 5:20

BAAL-PERAZIM; whither the Philistines were come from the valley of Rephaim, 1 CHRONICLES 14:11. AS THE BREACH OF WATERS; as floods or rivers of waters, which break the banks, and overflow a land, and overturn all that stands in their way.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 5:21

THEIR IMAGES they seem to have brought into the field to fight for them, as the Israelites had formerly done the ark. DAVID BURNED THEM, as God had commanded, DEUTERONOMY 7:5.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 5:23

THOU SHALT NOT GO UP, to wit, directly against them, as the following words explain it. OVER AGAINST THE MULBERRY TREES, where they least expect thee. God's purposes and promises do not exclude men's just endeavours, but require them.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 5:24

THE SOUND OF A GOING; a noise as it were of persons walking upon the tops of them, which I shall cause; and by this sign, both thou shalt be assured that I am coming to help thee, and the Philistines shall be affrighted and amused, and not perceive the noise of thy army until thou art upon them. THE... [ Continue Reading ]

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