2 SAMUEL CHAPTER 5 The tribes come to Hebron to anoint David king over all Israel: the years of his reign at Hebron and Jerusalem: his age, 2 Samuel 5:1. He taketh the strong hold of Zion from the Jebusites, and dwelleth there, 2 Samuel 5:6. Hiram maketh a league with David, and sendeth wood and workmen to build a house, 2 Samuel 5:11,12. He taketh more wives, and eleven sons are born to him at Jerusalem, 2 Samuel 5:13. David, directed by God, smiteth the Philistines at Baal-perazin, 2 Samuel 5:17; and again at the mulberry trees, 2 Samuel 5:22. To wit, by their ambassadors, Ish-bosheth and Abner being now dead, and that without David's concurrence. Thy bone and thy flesh, i.e. thy brethren, or kinsmen, of the same nation and parentage, though not of the same tribe; and therefore, as God's law, Deuteronomy 17:15, permits us, so our own relation and affection incline us, to choose thee for our king; and we doubt not thou wilt receive us for thy subjects and people, and pardon our offences against thee.

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